Support Ethiopia’s bid for World Heritage Committee membership

Ethiopia has a large number of tangible and intangible heritage that serve as both an icon of pride for its people as well as means of tourist attraction. Due to their value the United Nations Education, Science and Culture Or­ganization (UNESCO) has registered them as heritages of the world.

These heritages were registered after they fulfilled the requirements set by UNESCO. The Ministry of Culture and Tourism has also struggled a lot to get these heritages registered. Registration of these heritages plays a meaningful role in raising the revenue the country earns from tourism. There are still more tangible and intangible heritages that are on the wait­ing list to be registered as world heritage. Hence, the relevant authorities have some homework to accomplish.

But in addition to registering new heritages, it is also important to do the necessary care for the already registered ones so that they can stay as world heritages. If not they will face some risks and lose any of the re­quirements which enabled them to be registered as heritages. This means they will be canceled from the list.

For example Obelisk of Axum, Rock hewn churches of Lalibella, Semien mountains national Park and Harrar wall are the major UNESCO registered heritage of the country that are facing some threats. The Obelisk of Axum has faced some tendency to collapse.

The Rock hewn churches of Lalibela are also facing fracture that will cause damage or collapse. The Semien Mountains national parks were also exposed to the encroachment of residents for grazing which affects the survival of the endemic animals for which it was famous. Furthermore, it recently caught wildfire which causes serious damage. The Beautiful and historic walled city of Harar is also facing challenges because of illegal activities around it that reduce its value as a world heritage. If these threats are not alleviated on time, they are likely to be canceled from the list of world heritages.

Indeed, efforts were underway to do the necessary rehabilitation works for the heritages. Yet the government needs support for the rehabilitation of the heritages as they need better financial and technical capacity. To get support the government needs to coordinate efforts with UNESCO and other countries.

During the recent 12th summit of African Heads of State and govern­ment, member states have nominated Ethiopia to be a member of the Heritages committee at UNESCO. Membership to the committee is like­ly to open chances to bring to the attention of the member states and solicit support for the innovation.

Similarly, Ethiopia’s membership in the committee would enable var­ious African countries to get their heritages registered as world heritag­es or obtain the necessary support for the renovation of their heritages among others.

Therefore member states should take this opportunity to support Ethi­opia’s bid to join the committee. The final decision to choose Ethiopia as a member of the committee awaits the assembly of the UNESCO in Paris, France. Hence the countries must take the opportunity to get Ethi­opia in the committee and contribute to the safety of the heritage of the continent.

The Ethiopian Herald July 20/2019

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