Seeing is believing

 It could not be gain said that electricity plays quite a role in extirpating poverty as well as hitchhiking industrialization, which is a warrant for much-sought affluence that is far from a windfall.

When the boon of a hard-won affluence gained from harnessing one’s potential by own effort ripples across the neighborhood, it magnifies the satisfaction that attends the return, for it serves a linchpin for common growth.

Common growth is one key ingredient for sustainable peace since development and peace cross-pollinate each other.

It is mindful of the aforementioned facts Ethiopia set out to tame its wild and prodigal river Abbay (Blue Nile) that roars past its perimeter denying Ethiopia its due benefit and leaving many Ethiopians to wallow in the quagmire of poverty.

Considerate as can be proven by its track record, it is the win-win approach Ethiopia espoused in dealing with riparian countries.

As the envisaged dam—the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD)—is actualizing, Ethiopia is selling electricity to neighboring countries even when the vagaries of inclement weather pose setbacks and necessitates minor reduction in supply. Ethiopia is always true to its words.

As the saying goes “seeing is believing” lately military attaches of different countries residing here in Addis Ababa and representatives of various countries have just paid homage to the dam to probe into the benefits that accrue from the dam to percolate down to countries in the region. The remarks they gave after the visit organized for them are in consonance with Ethiopia’s adherence to its principle— taping common-resource for multipronged common growth.

They underscored that GERD is symbol of Regional Integration. They stressed its instrumentality in catalyzing the region’s push towards joining the ranks of well-developed nations. They read it as an emblem of national pride that proffers benefits to Ethiopia and the whole region in more ways than one. Offering badly-needed light beyond the borders of Ethiopia, as they saw it, it solidifies neighborliness among countries in the region.

After appreciating the power service being accorded to them, riparian countries’ representatives that are beneficiaries of the electric supply expressed a sense of trust welling up in their hearts witnessing the smooth flow of the water downstream adducing no harm on lower riparian countries. It rather fosters economic development of Ethiopia as well as that of its environs, they noted.

Mankind has embarked on an era when climate change has turned a global threat. Hence, zeroing in on renewable energy is called for. In cognizance of this fact, Ethiopia is pursuing a Green Resilient Economy turning out standard-bearer. This is very much helpful to preserve the environment, to warrant the continuous flow of the water and to forestall silt accumulation in the dam. This handling of its water resource, also feeding other countries, has won Ethiopia appreciation by those who visited the gigantic dam.

Bootstrapping, Ethiopia is running a huge dam project that has far reaching benefits. The nation is paving the ground so that coming generations could catapult to the pinnacle of growth enjoying a strong developmental foothold. Such commendable act deserves a high five for apart from hitting the last nail on the coffin of paucity, it spurs regional clicking.

Aside from knowledge and skill transaction the dam could serve a living billboard of the foreign construction company involved in handling the lofty task.

The dam augurs the rosy future of Ethiopia in terms of prosperity.

Last but not least the dam’s being a tourist attraction should be mentioned. It could serve for boat cruising and angling. It as well could serve a fish farm thereby assisting the country in food self-sufficiency.

The bottom line is Ethiopia should press ahead to efficiently use its God-bestowed wealth taking into account common growth and considerateness.


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