Thriving Ethio-China agricultural cooperation

Technology and education are among the main instruments to upsurge the product and productivity of agriculture. Over the last years, Ethiopia has attempted to integrate farmers’ local knowledge with modern practices—the assistances of countries like China being among the major contributors.

The thriving Ethio-China relations have been translated into real cooperation in the area of agriculture, a mainstay of Ethiopia’s economy. Framers and agricultural educators alike have so far been exposed to Chinese knowledge and expertise.

Later last month, four textbooks prepared with the Chinese assistance were launched on the premises of the Ministry of Agriculture. The textbooks are meant to improve the agriculture sector through quality Technical and Vocational Education Training.

Around 20 Chinese agricultural experts are said to have participated in the preparation of the textbooks. The government of China has provided various assistances to success the project that included equipment and machinery, says Liu Yu, Minister Counselor for Economic and Commercial Affairs of the People’s Republic of China to the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. “The experts have prepared 13 agricultural textbooks in only six academic years,” she added.

For his part, State Minister of Ministry of Agriculture Sani Redi said the Chinese government has continued its assistances on this area for over fifteen years. “We get assistance in the form of equipment and machinery, educators, and teaching-learning materials.”

To him, the Chinese wealth of experience is so important in that it has achieved agricultural product and productivity with a relatively small number of farmers engaged in the area as compared to the number of its people. The availability of textbooks, with better quality, will surely help transform the sector.

Besides, Chinese teachers also participate in the training of trainers. Hence, agricultural technology extension workers, farmers, and agricultural entrepreneurs benefit out of the cooperation.

Over the past 18 years, Chinese instructors have worked in 13 vocational colleges in Ethiopia. Currently, they teach at centers like Alage, Agrafa, and Holeta.

They participate in teaching 56 specialized courses in six departments which are: plant science, animal sciences, animal health, natural resources, irrigation, and agricultural mechanization.

The Ethiopian Herald July 19/2019


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