Drop your tears for thy neighbors

The Special Envoy of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, Ambassador Mahmoud Dirir was caught last Wednesday by international media as dropping his tears after the Sudan’s ruling military council and the coalition of Sudanese opposition, Forces of Freedom and Change signed a political accord in Khartoum.

This was what the Sudanese daily sudandaily had to say in its headline: “Ethiopian mediator shed tears after signing the political document.”sudan daily went on to say: “The Ethiopian mediator, Mahmoud Dirir, shed tears during his speech on the signing ceremony of the political declaration agreement between the military council and the Forces of Freedom and Change, which was greeted by warm applause from the audience in the Corinthia Hotel hall in Khartoum.

“We have had the honor as mediators of the African Union and the State of Ethiopia to be partners in a decisive phase of the modern history of this great country and its people,” Darir said as he shed tears, after signing, and continued his speech after a wave of applause.”

A decisive phase in the modern history of the Sudan and its people indeed!The spokesperson of the British Government for the Middle East and North Africa, Ms. Alison King, in her congratulatory messages to the Sudanese people, was also quoted by the same media as indicating “that this moment deserves to be celebrated as it crowns a lot of efforts and sacrifices, saying that great sacrifices were evident in the tears of the Ethiopian mediator.”

Great sacrifices were evident in the tears of the Ethiopian mediator, Mahmoud Dirir, indeed!Likewise 7D news London described the situation like this: “Choking back tears, Ethiopian mediator Mahmud Dirir referred to the political agreement reached, saying ‘we are honoured as two mediators representing the African Union and the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia to be partners in a critical stage in the modern history of this great country of Sudan and this great and sincere people.

“Sudan has to ‘break free from the crucible of poverty and the crucible of the blockade imposed on it and the file of the so-called state-sponsored terrorism,’ Dirir said.

“These great people deserve this day in which its members cooperated. I don’t call [them] parties and I don’t call [them] two sides. Instead, I call them the united single bloc, with its great army, the transitional military council and the brave people of Forces of the Declaration of Freedom and Change.” The two sides Dirir was referring to representatives of the military council and the Forces for Declaration of Freedom and Change.

Ambassador Mahmoud Dirir is one of the two African mediators who have been working out tirelessly to resolve the existing deadlock in Sudan. The other partner is African Union mediator Mohamed El Hacen Lebatt. The African Union and Ethiopia led the diplomatic mediation, following the deadly break-up of the Khartoum protest camp in June.

The political deal, which came as a result of their intensive mediation, includes power-sharing schemes aimed at leading the country to democracy following three decades of autocratic rule.

The political standoff between Sudan’s military rulers and protesters had threatened the peace and stability of the country as well as the region. Thanks for the two African mediators that they ironed out differences between the two sides. For this, we would like to commend the two African mediators for what they have done for Africans in general and the Sudanese people in particular. And, as Ethiopians, we would like to send special praise goes to our seasoned diplomat, Ambassador Mohamoud Dirir , who shed his tears in public for our neighbors as a sign of both concern and joy. Thank you Mr. Ambassador!

The Ethiopian Herald, July 19/2019

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