Amhara State forest cover reaches 14 percent: Bureau

DEBRE BERHAN- Forest cover of Amhara State has grown to 14 percent, State’s Agriculture Bureau Deputy Head Markos Wonde told Ethiopian Press Agency Journalists recently. The deputy head said Awi Zone of the State has registered better results in rehabilitating previously degraded lands those other regions of the State like South Wollo Zone has emulated the experiences.

He also acknowledged that individuals have planted 65-70 percent of the trees in various places. The State has also been highly involving in the ongoing National Greening Program and has been playing its leadership role in the effort of planting of two billion seedlings in various places, according to him.

Besides, he said the State has also planned to plant one million trees of the two million trees that will be planted only in a day by the coming July 29, 2019. Debre Berhan University supports the planting program through identifying the right species of plant for specific agro-ecology said Almaz Afera, University’s Deputy President for Research and Social Affairs.

A resident in one of the districts of North Shewa Zone of the State told reporters that she has planted close to five thousand trees and has been using it as an additional source of income. People plant commercial trees in Amhara State to use as source of income .

The Ethiopian Herald, July 19/2019


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