Online business registration, licensing soon to begin

ADDIS ABABA – Ministry of Trade and Industry said that it will soon commence online services that include commercial registration and business licensing systems.

The Ministry has developed digital systems that help facilitate online registration and licensing, Ministry of Trade and Industry Trade Practice and Regulatory Sector State Minister Eshete Asfaw told The Ethiopian Herald.

Around 1,049 branches out of 1,134 have so far been fitted with the technology to render all the Ministry’s 19 services, he said, adding that human power has also been trained and deployed at the branches. Additional 200 staff will receive induction training for five days following the commencement of the services.

Also, the Ministry has established a team of well-trained professionals that oversees and coordinates all the activities, according to him. The Ministry has as well been working in close cooperation with Ethiopian Electricity Utility, Ethio Telecom, Information Network Security Agency (INSA), Ministry of Innovation and Technology to make the online system more efficient and effective, he added.

The system is expected to improve the business and investment climate of Ethiopia, it was learnt.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 19/2019


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