A step towards maintaining regional peace and security

This week, the Ethiopian and the US Defense forces have started joint military training. The training program, referred as Justified Accord (JA) 2019 has involved several other countries such as Brazil, Burundi, Canada, Djibouti, France, Germany, Italy, Kenya, Netherlands, Rwanda, Somalia, Uganda and UK as well. The military training program, which includes command headquarter and company-level field training exercises was officially launched at Peace Support Training Center in Addis Ababa on Monday, July 15. The size of participants of the joint training is about 1,100.

Top military officials from the two countries were present at the opening event. U.S. Ambassador to Ethiopia, Michael Raynor said on the occasion: “we’re enormously grateful for Ethiopia’s steadfast commitment to hosting and participating in this exercise.”

He also extended his sincere gratitude to participating nations: Brazil, Burundi, Canada, Djibouti, France, Germany, Italy, Kenya, Netherlands, Rwanda, Somalia, Uganda, and the United Kingdom. The motive of the training is to foster military skill and preparedness in Eastern Africa which is vulnerable to the attacks of militants and terrorists.

The 16 days long military training has a field exercise component which will take place at the Ethiopian National Defense Force’s training center in Hurso, which is close to Dire Dawa city. True, Ethiopia and the US has a long standing strategic partnership in the areas of fighting terrorism, extremism and other many international and regional issues.

Referring to this fact, Ambassador Raynor described Ethiopia as “the world’s largest contributor to global peacekeeping forces, and an essential partner in security cooperation efforts in the Horn of Africa, and beyond.”

According to the American Department of State, the U.S. – Ethiopia diplomatic relations were established on December 27, 1903, when King of Ethiopia Menelik II and U.S. representative Robert P. Skinner signed a treaty of commerce in which the two states agreed to receive representatives in order to perpetuate and strengthen the friendly relations which exist between Ethiopia and the United States of America.

The American Legation was established on July 6, 1909, when U.S. Minister Resident and Consul General Hoffman Philippresented his credentials in Addis Ababa before it was closed in 1937 during the Italian invasion of Ethiopia before it was reopend in 1943. The Ethiopian Legation in the United States was opened on November 9, 1943, and Blatta Ephrem Tewelde Medhen served as Envoy Extraordinary and Minister Plenipotentiary.

Ever since, the two countries have established strong ties that have been beneficial to the peoples of the two countries and beyond. The current joint military training is expected to boost peacekeeping capacity of Ethiopian military force and share experiences from other countries that are participating in the training. But most of all, it is a key to sustain Ethiopia’s contribution and commitment to securing regional peace in the horn and also to the rest of the world.

Being the top contributor to the world’s UN peace keeping mission, Ethiopia consider that its development and peace is intertwined with the development, peace and security of its neighboring countries as well as the African continent at large.

To this end, protecting peace and security of the Horn of Africa region is and should always be priority agenda for Ethiopia and the governments of the countries in the region.

In this case, the current joint military training which involves different countries is a significant step towards the effort to maintaining regional peace and security and preventing terrorism and militant threats in East Africa.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 18/2011

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