Sudan’s parties sign power-sharing deal

Sudan’s Military Council and opposition leaders have signed a power-sharing accord yesterday after all-night talks. The signing of the document by the Transitional Military Council (TMC) and the Forces of Freedom and Change (FFC) alliance came after a series of negotiation mediated by Ethiopia and the African Union.

It is a “historic moment” for the country, the deputy head of Sudan’s ruling military council, Mohamed Hamdan “Hemeti” Dagolo, is quoted by AFP as saying. They have agreed to rotate control of the sovereign council – the top tier of power – for just over three years.

That council will be made of five civilians, five military figures, and an 11th civilian, to be chosen by the 10 members. A military general will be in charge of that council for the first 21 months, then a civilian will lead for the following 18 months, followed by elections. A second agreement on constitutional issues is expected to be finalized on Friday, according to BBC.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 18/2011

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