Construction of Agro-industry parks proceeds at a good pace

ADDIS ABABA- The construction of agro-industry parks is picking pace in the four states,disclosed Ministry of Trade and Industry(MoTI).

As to Mulugeta Adimase, Agro processing directorate expert, Agro processing sectors is among the priority areas to which the government has attached great emphasis in GTP II.

The sector depends on agriculture and its main aim is exporting the local products with added values in order to bump up the returns from the export trade. This plan will be accomplished when the industry and agriculture get merged, he added.

The combination of the two sectors will have a great role to increase foreign currency by not exporting products without adding values, he said. Agro-industry parks are built in he four states like Amhara, Tigrai, Oromiya and Southern People Nation and Nationalities to hit set target. These parks will have a lot of positive impacts.

We can vest the nation’s hope on them, he noted. Among the ongoing parks in the states, Bure Integrated Agro-Industry Park is one. He noted the construction work is 28 percent through. And from the seven rural area transformation centers of this aggro industry park, Mota transformation center is 55 percent through. Beaher Integrated Agro-industry park is located in Tigray state.

It gets about 23 percent of its total building and the reforming center of this park Micadira gets about 22 percent of its building. The other two industry parks in the pipeline are Yirigaalem and Bulbula integrated aggro processing parks which are built in Southern and Oromiya . These parks’ status has now reached on 85 percent and 22.6 percents respectively. For these four parks, it is budgeted that 10,685,999,900 birr and when the building gets finalized, it will create job opportunities for 400,000 persons.

The Ethiopian Herald, December 23/2018

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