Making Addis Ababa Green, a shared responsibility

Over the past twelve months, with the aim to make Addis Ababa one of the most befitting cities, worthy of living for its local and foreign residents plus to ranking the capital amongst the most vibrant business and tourism cities, the government has initiated two major comprehensive and integrated development programs.

These key rejuvenation projects are: ‘Sheger Beautifying Project’ which runs along the two biggest rivers of Addis Ababa all the way from the mountains of Entoto through the Akaki River; and the construction of ultra-modern city ‘La Gare Integrated Community Development Project’- are expected to alter the narratives of the capital by creating stunning vistas and offering a new lifestyle choice to dwellers. La Gare entails thousands of apartment houses and offices, various star-designated hotels and recreation centres as well as a number of big malls and retail outlets making the area a new commercial hub within the city.

Addis Ababa, as cities of most developing countries’ is entangled with challenges of rapid rate of urbanization, growing social, economic and environmental challenges. Following the economic growth registered over the years, the number of people flocking to the Capital is increasing at more unprecedented rate than it was decades ago. As a result, the city has faced problems of unemployment, congestion and other socio-ecological challenges.

The new cabinet to give sustainable resolution to the problems and bring about a lasting improvement in the economic, physical, social and environmental conditions of the city and make it a place where its economy flourishes and human spirit uplifts, is working aggressively.

As Deputy Mayor Takele Uma once twitted in his web page, Addis Ababa belongs to all Ethiopians regardless of region, religion, or social class. The capital is the microcosm of the ‘rainbow’ nation, bubbling with all kinds of diversity-ethnic, cultural, spiritual and economy.

The capital is also home for Africans, its international ambassadors, diplomats, consulates and visitors. Thus, developing the City is an ecstasy for all. At the same time, it is the responsibility of all irrespective of any differences.

The green development project is one of the visible reforms in the city. Through its green economy development project, the government is trying all its best to develop a green economy. This includes expansion of green spaces and converting solid waste dropped into the rivers to usable materials. What is more, as part of its endeavor, the government has taken planting tree seedlings as a serious task.

Founders of the new Africa have delivered us colonial free continent. They have founded OAU in Addis. This is a good indication how the umbilical cord of Africans is directly connected to Addis Ababa.

Making Addis beautiful and green is not only beneficial to its residents. It also has greater value in building the image of the city which is considered as the Capital of Africa.

In this regard, the active engagement of diplomatic communities, international organizations and others have key role to achieve the envisioned goal of making Addis green and conducive within short period.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 17/2019

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