Addis in the eyes of diplomats

Addis Ababa is the seat for several diplomats and ambassadors. Due to its favorable climate, hospitality among others, it is common to hear diplomats and Ambassadors admiring the city. There was no time they refrain from admiring the beauty of Addis.

The political reformation of the country has touched the city directly or indirectly. Through its green development project, the government is trying all its best to develop a green economy. This includes expansion of green spaces and converting solid waste dropped into the rivers to usable materials. What is more, as part of its endeavor the government has taken planting seedlings as a serious task.

Making Addis beautiful and green is not only beneficial to its residents. It also has a great value in building the image of the city as well as the country among international community. Using this as a ground The Ethiopian Herald had contacted Ambassadors from Japan Embassy in Addis Ababa and Senegal Embassy to hear their reflection on Addis.

For Japanese Ambassador, Daisuke Matsunaga, Addis Ababa is a blessed city with so many flowers. This is a new discovery for him. “I recently learned that the name of the capital “Addis Ababa” means ‘New Flower.’ No wonder we are able to enjoy so many varieties of flowers in this city. My fellow expatriates, enjoy Ethiopian flowers. My Ethiopian friends please remember how lucky you are to be blessed with so many beautiful flowers.”

Ambassador Daisuke, has experienced the beauty of jacaranda in Africa before, but seeing the purple color once again with his own eyes in Addis Ababa has given him a sweet and tender feeling. “They drop their purple petals so generously on the pavement, so the sidewalks here in Addis look as if they had been dy ed purple. This is very similar to Japanese cherry blossoms. They also drop their petals so generously that Japanese sidewalks are tainted with shades of pink.”

Senegal Ambassador to Ethiopia, Baye Moctar Diop has no different view from Ambassador Daisuke Matsunaga. Ambassador Baye Moctar has been here in Addis Ababa with his family for the last two years. His two years of experience in Addis has shown him how beautiful the city is.

According to him, the climatic condition of the city together with its people hospitality of its residence is something impressive. “Addis Ababa is a very exciting city. It is not only the capital city of Ethiopia; it is also a capital city of Africa. As a Diplomat and an African it is important to me to have the first hand experience in Addis Ababa. I will never forget my experience throughout my life time. To be assigned in Addis Ababa is a kind of cornerstone for all African diplomats.”

My impression for the economic and social transformation of Addis is positive. The city is becoming more open and more providing opportunities for its residents, Africans and others.

Asked if the economic transformation has impacted the climate of the city negatively, Ambassador Baye Moctar said: “I believe this is natural and normal to the growing city. It happens when a country is moving very fast economically. When cities grow, there is always challenge to green plants. But, seeing this challenge the City Administration and the government are doing their level best to make Addis greener. Planting tree seedlings is one implication for this.”

Addis Ababa City Administration Environment Protection and Green Development Deputy Commissioner, Walelelgn Dessalegn, said that, Addis Ababa is the heart of Ethiopia. Making the city more attractive and conducive for living is one target of the government. In this respect, the Administration is doing its level best to make it more attractive and green. As part of this plan, improving parks and riverside has given major attention.

He said, making Addis green by developing and rehabilitating river streams is part of the administration major objectives. Enhancing the well-being of city dwellers and diplomatic community by mitigating river flooding and creation of public spaces and parks and walkways along the river sides are given special focus at government as well as Administration level.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 17/2019


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