Shaping Addis via Addis River Bank Project

ADDIS ABABA – “Beautifying Sheger Project” best tool in transforming the image of Addis into better level. In an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald, Addis Ababa City Administration River Basins and Green Areas Development and Administration Project General Manager, Engineer Tsion Teshome said that the project is a flagship that grabbed the eyes and hearts of Ethiopians and Ethiopia’s companion countries throughout the world.

Addis Ababa is a historical city with several manmade and natural attraction sites. Developing its resources and making it green is fundamental to ensure tourist flow and to meet their taste. “Several countries have shown a keen interest to support the Project. However, the Chinese government has taken the lead to practically commence operational task in developing the 12 kilometers of ‘Beautifying Sheger’ Riverside Project.”

City Administration has allocated necessary resources to achieve its targets. While performing its task, is also willing and ready to work with pertinent stakes to ensure sustainable result. She said that the project is not the sole responsibility of the government or the Administration. It is also the responsibility of every citizen. There should be a sense of ownership among Ethiopians.

Jemal Mohammed, General Manager of Blue Matrix Consultancy Company on his part said that projects like that of “Sheger Project” has a great potential to transfer the city into better level. It will create conducive environment to its residents.

“Addis Ababa is a city situated in a high altitude. Presence of several rivers, poor sewerage system and other challenges has subjected the city to environmental problems. In this regard, ambitious project like this one is expected to alleviate the challenges. Therefore, the Project demands consorted efforts of stakeholders.” He said that the success of the project in Addis Ababa will serve as best lesson to other towns.

Since Addis Ababa is a diplomatic hub of Africa and, one of the three international seats of the UN, beatifying the capital is of paramount importance to make it competitive city to enhance its livability, he said. According to Jemal, the project would not only transform the image of the city; but it also has a potential to transform Capital’s tourism potential into better level.

The project involves the development of the two biggest rivers, which cross the capital Addis Ababa, and stretch 56kms all the way from Mount Entoto to the Akaki river, on the outskirts of the city.

The project is expected to create job opportunity for several Ethiopians. Apart from this, it is believed to elevate Addis Ababa to a site of urban tourism, enhance the well-being of the city dwellers and realize country’s aspiration of a green economy through the expansion of green spaces and creating related service economies. It was learnt that the Project costs 1.1 billion USD and is expected to be completed within three years time.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 17/2019


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