Chamber underscores private sector’s role in SDGs

ADDIS ABABA – Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (AACCSA) said that the active involvement of the private sector is critical to realize the Sustainable Development Goals.

Mesenbete Shenkute, President of the Addis Ababa Chamber of Commerce and Sectoral Associations (AACCSA) said that private investment and innovation are the major drivers of productivity, job creation and inclusive economic growth.

A large share of the resources needed to fund government’s development agenda will, undoubtedly, come from the private sector either by way of taxes or through investment. Thus, the sector can play an important role in filling the funding gaps in SDGs implementation, she said.

The central role of the private sector in the SDGs highlights the
shift towards a new development paradigm in which the private sector is no longer only a development tool but rather a development agent.

Today, the contribution of business to development is no longer confined to creating wealth and employment, the transfer of technology and the provision of goods and services, but is supposed to contribute proactively to sustainable development outcomes through core business and beyond.

“The Chamber is working diligently to create informed business community and to let them be an engine to gear the SDGs,” she noted. Getachew Adem, Deputy Commissioner with the National Planning Commission, also noted that the Chamber has responsibility in creating informed business community and letting them be part of the ongoing activities.

As to the Deputy, to realize the goals set in sustainable development and not to leave anyone behind, widening the engagement of the private sector in line with the goals is fundamental. The Commission is working with pertinent stakes to ensure SDGs and each public and private institution is well aware of the goals and how to frame plan.

Kassahun Mamo, AACCSA’s Public Relations and Promotion Director also said that the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) had been operated in joint venture of public and development partners. However, the new approach framed to ensure SDGs is involving the private sector at driving seat. In this regard, the private sector should come with well defined innovations to invest own resources in projects that comply with SDGs, he remarked.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 17/2019


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