A thin and poisoned exhale

A day of two friends is not shady. They won’t spend a day or night without meeting or looking at each other. The husband will be confused and unable to do anything if he doesn’t get his beloved wife. Their year-long closeness makes them to be together from day to evening desirously. Some people who observed their excessive relationship are advice especially for husband, “to refrain and to leave her’’.

However, such kind of advice is strongly annoying to him. He never ever wants to see anyone disparage and affront his old friend. His eyes are always in contact with her eyes. She has already turned his years-long mouthful of air. He understands that such a romantic relationship requires physical touch and mental attachment. Hence, he wraps around her body and hides her in his chest. When he touches her body with his fingers, passionate love feels like instant attraction with a bit of nervousness and feels intense internal feeling of joy. He never forgets her, even when he is alone. She is not out of his mind when he goes anywhere.

When he gets her anywhere, he deeply kisses her leaps heading to a hidden place and she frequently experiences feebleness in the knees. At such moment, he leaves her alone and escapes from the area. He never tries to make her calm down. These kinds of emotions give him satisfaction. He feels at home with her. But he knows that a problem arises with his wife when he returns back to his real home. His wife always suspects and nags him. His wife frequently asks him where he has been and why. She always angrily sniffs his shirt, jacket and body as a whole to detect where he has been and with whom he was.

Sometimes she cries tears trickling down from her eyes, as his odor confirms to her that he was with his mistress. She shouts at him showering him with insults. Reversely, controlling his emotions, he calms down trying to make her cool. He also promises her not to repeat his mistake again. The intention of his promise is not for the sake of his wife but for the sake of his children too. He is always afraid of his children and won’t hear about his disloyalty by engaging in infidelity, breaking promises and neglecting his family. In this sense, he always tries to take care of his children. Because of this, he always begs her not to tell anything to their children and promises “to do away with this misbehavior of his again”. He also kneeled down under her legs and beseeched her to excuse him.

One evening he has been with his mistress beside his home fence. As usual, he fondles her body with his fingers warming her up. Eying her he kisses her deeply. She also experienced a feeling of feebleness. He immediately desert her as he did before and escaping from that hidden area. After distancing some meters, when he looked behind, he understood that one of his sons was trying to support and pickup her from the ground. Not only observing it but also trying to wrap here body with his fingers and struggling to kiss her as his father did. The son has been around there when his father massaging and kissing her. The father could not believe his eyes. It seemed a dream. He felt sad and deeply regretted. He got disappointed over what he saw. The husband also observed a piece of cigarette in his son’s fingers. The father became mad and began cursing himself. He realized that his children are imitating his misconduct. There was a trace of nervousness in his voice. He emotionally seized the cigarette and threw away. He felt guilty and believed that he is responsible for the misbehaviors of his children and families in general. He got convinced that he is setting bad example of his family. He realized cigarette as his worst enemy. It subjected him to addiction, detached him from his family, his wife, friends, relatives and the community. He decided to say good bye to it not to bequeath it to generations.


The thin shaft poison breath

Good work

The friendship between the two will not be separated by darkness. It will not be possible for them to spend the night without meeting or seeing each other. When an adult family loses her, what they do is lost. Their closeness that lasted for years will last them until the night. Some who saw their inappropriate relationship continued to tell the man, “Leave her, let her approach you”.

But he resents this kind of advice. No one wants to look down on his fellow-year-old, criticize her. His eyes are always on her eyes. She has been his inspiration for years. He forgets the world, he avoids revenge. Her breath always warms him, he misses her company.

Every day he rubs his friend with love and hides her from his chest. When he was with her, touching and feeling his fingers, he was happy inside. He will not let you out of his thoughts all the way. Every time he meets her, he hides in a corner and comes to her with his lips. When he stares at her and kisses her, she becomes helpless. In a moment, her warm breath was gone. She flinches and jumps from his hand. Watching you fall, weaken. It doesn’t pick up. He leaves her out of heat.

Whenever this happens, the satisfaction is special. Surrender to him alone with joy. When he comes home in the evening, his wife stares at him suspiciously. The situation does not go away when he is always away from his friend.

This friend has become the problem of their home and the test of their marriage. She sees the wife burning her shirt, jacket. She flips over and sniffs him. This is when the smell of a woman she has known for years reaches her nose. As her voice fills the house, the family kneels at her feet with the usual “never again” apology. Mercifully, she passed.

He is not just doing this for his marriage. He does not want this bad to be known beyond his wife and children. He always thinks about them, cares for their feelings. But one day it happened.

The family was to return to the door that day in the evening. Chances are that the friend’s stay is near and they are staying at the corner of the fence. The little boy, who observes the action from a distance, is awestruck and asks the end. He did not know that his father had done this before.

Before the father entered the house, he said goodbye to his friend. As soon as he finished wiping his mouth, his lover fell from his hand. He didn’t turn to look at her as usual. He walked past her like a fool. The little boy who saw this did not keep quiet about his father’s friend.

He quickly picked her up from where she fell and put her in his arms. He didn’t delay, as he had seen his father do, he pulled her close to his mouth and searched for her breath with his breath. Some force prevented him from throwing it.

Before he fell, the father reached behind him and took his son’s hands in his. Now he couldn’t believe his eyes. He started crying in shock. When the boy saw that he had followed the evil path he had followed, he could not forgive himself.

He crushed the cigarette stub that landed on the little boy’s small hands and threw it away. Cigarettes took his life away from his family, a bad addiction. A bad habit that he has changed from his spouse. Beyond him, his son’s married, evil friend. The father broke up with his friend of years after that moment. A cigarette from his life, a cigarette from his family, a friend’s enemy.

This shocking incident by the son became the reason for the future identity of the family. He rushed to a great decision without spending a night, he immediately became violent with himself, threw away his long-time smoking companion from his mind. A habit called smoking, called smoking, was removed from him immediately.

This fact is a story that happened to someone years ago. The father who shares his memories with me is today’s elderly, mature neighbor of mine. The decision to quit smoking that many have tried and failed, or that took years, has become a reality for this person. The occasion when he decided to quit smoking thirty eight years ago has become an excuse for him to take a break today. Now they are the epitome of a good father, the epitome of a good household. Their consciences are saved from remorse. Their generation has crossed over in health.

The dangers of smoking are multifaceted. Every year, more than five million people in the world die from diseases caused by smoking. Of these, 600,000 are non-smokers who are exposed to illness and death due to smoking. Smoking causes many health problems. Its contribution to social and economic pressures is also high. Cigarettes contain nicotine. Nicotine is a dangerous substance that controls the brain’s neurotransmitters. This substance has addictive power by creating a temporary euphoria. Smokers addicted to this substance are unable to quit smoking suddenly. Even if they try to give up the habit, it still leaves them with unpleasant physical and psychological symptoms. Therefore, they smoke again and again to increase the level of happiness of the night.

Cigarette smoke seriously damages the respiratory system. Especially the damage to the lungs is worse. Out of more than 7000 chemicals found in cigarette smoke, 250 are considered very harmful. These chemicals damage the respiratory system and cause diseases like asthma.

According to the American Lung Association, there are approximately 600 harmful substances in cigarettes. Even when the smoke disperses in the air, it has the power to produce about 7000 chemicals.

According to history, the production of tobacco in modern form in Ethiopia started during the reign of Emperor Menilk. The first tobacco factory was opened in 1931 in Dredawa city, owned by Armenians. After the factory moved to Addis Ababa, it produced about 300 cigarettes a day until the Italian invasion in 1933. During the Italian occupation, the demand for cigarettes increased and the consumption increased. After Italy left the country, in 1934, the tobacco monopoly began to employ 300 workers.

According to the research conducted by Development Studies Associate /DSA/, the consumption of cigarettes in Ethiopia shows an increase of 8 percent every year. In our country, there are extensive tobacco farms in Blate, Shewarobit Wolaytana and Hawasam. According to a study conducted by the World Health Organization in 135 countries, Ethiopia ranks among the fewest smokers in the world.

Ethiopia has been one of the 6 countries in the world with less than five percent of adults over the age of 15 who smoke. This is compared to 23% of the United States, 26% of Kenya, and 29% of China.



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