ADP picks Temesgen Tiruneh as Amhara State’s Chief

ADDIS ABABA– Concluding its meeting yesterday, the Amhara Democratic Party (ADP) nominated Temesgen Tiruneh as Chief Administrator of the Amhara State and elected YohannesBuayalew as Deputy Chairperson of the party as well.

The meeting held in the town of Bahir Dar, capital of the Amhara State also elected Temesgen Tiruneh and Agenew Teshager Executive Committee members for ADP and the umbrella organization, EPRDF.

According to ADP Political Sector Head, Abraham Alegehn, the appointments were given to replace the former Chief Administrator of the Amhara State and ADP Deputy Chairperson Dr. Ambachew Mekonnen who was assassinated in last June with his two colleagues in a failed coup attempt. The nomination of the new State Chief is subject to the approval of State Council.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 16/2019


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