College exemplary in providing demand-driven education: Harari President

HARAR: Agro-Technical and Technology College has been a model in honing youth skills that go along with the current human-power demand of the country, Said Orden Bederi, President of Harai State.

The President made the remark while the College graduated 198 students with BSc Degree in five disciplines on July 13, 2019. “We should replicate the success story of the College in offering hands- on education because it increases the prospects of youth employment and significantly supports the government’s ongoing efforts of job creation.”

As to Orden, the fresh graduates have better job opportunities than the previous ones as Ethiopia is now carrying out sweeping reforms in all aspects. Commending for the quality education at the College, he called on the college to increase its academic support and experience sharing with nearby higher institutions.

At the event, Menschen für Menschen Foundation (MfM) Good will Ambassador Haile Gebrselassie told the graduates to keep up learning and to stay away from negative energy that obstructs them from achieving their dreams. Moreover, he promised to the graduates that his Marathon Motors will offer job opportunities to them when it starts operating at full capacity.

In his message he addressed to the graduates, the College’s Chancellor Dr. Nega Tolla said: “Today is your special day as you are now graduating having successfully finished courses the college offers that focus on learning by doing.

Speaking of the College, he noted that it was established by late Karlheinz Boehm in 1992 as a Training Centre for farmers. But, the Centre was upgraded to an accredited and nationally recognized technical college in 1997, he added.

“The college has increased its enrollment capacity to over 700 from previous 450, applying expansion works like building dormitory and other facilities worth 6.5 million Birr.”

Dr. Nega also said on the occasion that most of the College’s graduates are now working for the Ethiopian Airlines, EthioTelecom, Information Network Service Agency (INSA) and various industries because they have demonstrated high competence in their fields.

MFM Board Member Peter Reiner in an exclusive interview with The Ethiopian Herald said he is so grateful of the donors residing in Europe ,the staff of the College and the graduates for such academic success and urged all to live up to the country’s expectations and the college’s aspirations.

As to Renier, the College will soon start offering non-stop summer courses on startup business for previous and fresh graduates. “Such kind of opportunity will make job -hunting process easier for the graduates.”

During the graduation ceremony, the graduates displayed their work to the public. GPS and GSM Based Vehicle Theft Detector, Density Based Traffic Light Controller by Arduino, Solar Powered Automatic Irrigation System, among others, were on display.

Out of the total graduates, 53 are females. The college graduated 37 in Animal Production, 34 in Crop Production, 68 in Electric and Electronic Technology, 32 in Automotive Technology and 27 students in Manufacturing Technology, it was learnt.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 16/2019


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One Comment to “College exemplary in providing demand-driven education: Harari President”

  1. Menschen für Menschen Foundation (MfM) Good will Ambassador Haile Gebrselassie told the graduates to keep up learning and to stay away from negative energy that obstructs them from achieving their dreams. Moreover, he promised to the graduates that his Marathon Motors will offer job opportunities to them when it starts operating at full capacity.

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