Germany conserving Lake Tana biosphere reserve

ADDIS ABABA – The government of Germany reaffirmed its commitment to persistently support efforts that undertake to conserve Lake Tana biosphere reserve.

These days, the Lake Tana biosphere reserve which consisted of various fauna and flora is facing danger therefore Germany would continue assisting Ethiopia financially and technically to remove the problems, German Ambassador to Ethiopia Brita Wagener told The Ethiopian Herald.

According to her, Germany has better experience in natural resource conservation so that it would enhance supporting Ethiopia to achieve its goals. Nature Biodiversity Conservation Union (NABU), a German NGO that has a successful experience and recognized by UNESCO in biosphere conservation and tourism activities has been working on Lake Tana biosphere reserve, she said.

It is working to sustain the biosphere reserve through preventing erosion, saving endangered species, and supporting the livelihood of the habitats around the lake, she noted. The project will continue supporting efforts to avert harmful activities that disturb the biosphere reserve and conserving the Lake in the long run, according to the ambassador.

Lake Tana ecosystem has been highly affected by a water hyacinth locally known as Enboch which induced by various reasons and mainly due to absence of protective system of the lake from wastage and sediments, it was learnt.

According to Mama Plea, a UNESCO Program Specialist, the major reasons that cause the water weed are poor agricultural activities around the lake, irrigation and waste disposal.

Therefore, he recommended that strengthening awareness raising activities, improving education, enforcing laws and close cooperation among stakeholders are important mechanisms to save the lake and its biosphere reserve in the long run.

Lake Tana Biosphere Reserve [which includes several types of birds, aquatic animals and monasteries] is among the 22 biosphere reserves inscribed and conserve by UNESCO in the continent.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 16/2019


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