Principled diplomacy for mutual benefit

Ethiopia, as one of the oldest nations in the world, has an advanced history of international relations and diplomacy.

According to written accounts, the country’s traditional diplomatic and international relations with the external world traced back to ancient times whose origins can be traced when Queen Sheba paid a visit to King Solomon, emperor of ancient Israel, in the ninth century.

And as time passes, the domains of Ethiopian diplomacy and its international relations with countries of the world are witnessing a steady growth in various areas. Today, Ethiopia has established an important partnership and smooth diplomatic relations with almost most countries of the world in wide areas- social, economic and political development, people to people ties, as well as promoting peace and stability within the African continent and beyond.

Furthermore, Ethiopia is one of the founding members of the former OAU- the current AU- and the United Nations and also a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council. Ethiopia is one of few early African countries admitted to the League of Nations becoming a member in 1923.

Over and above, Ethiopia is renowned for its key role to sustain peace not only within the Africa region; but also beyond. By respecting the quest of the United Nations (UN) and AU peacekeeping mission for peace, Ethiopia has over and over again attested its keenness for global peace.

For instance, as early as the 1950s, it took part in the UN peacekeeping operations in South Korea and Congo. It is also one of the top troop contributing countries to the United Nations (UN) and AU peacekeeping mission.

Despite the challenges it faced in the last couple of years, Ethiopia’s diplomacy is advancing in full-swing with nations from the four corners of the world. And over the past one year, the country has seen healthy diplomatic relations with all countries and international organizations. The resumptions of some halted and suspended aid programs that occurred following the conflict, and the continuation of EU’s direct financial assistance among others are showcases in this regard.

Most of all, the admittance of Ethiopia to the BRICS group is the other significant step that portrays the country’s diplomatic success.

Currently, the country is intensifying efforts to further strengthen its diplomatic relations in line with the new global realities, get along with the dynamic world and fit the requirements of the day in all arenas.

While addressing the Joint Session of the House of Peoples’ Representatives (HoPR) and the House of Federation (HoF), where she presented her government’s plan for this year, President Sahle-Work Zewde highlighted plan to elevate the national success achieved in the concluded Ethiopian budget year in the diplomatic area to a higher level.

According to the President, Ethiopia will work diligently to raise its relations with neighboring countries from political to economic relations. Principled diplomatic works will be done to arrest unresolved border issues with countries that Ethiopia shares borders in a manner comply with international law, keeping national interest and long-lasting neighborly relationship.

“Our foreign relations will focus on increasing friendly countries; deducting enmities, and embracing development partners,” Sahle-Work stressed.

And, as the President stated, Ethiopia will persistently work to maintain strong, principled diplomacy with all the corners of the world, turn conflict into cooperation, protect its national interest and prosper mutually.


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