Contemporary water tech vital for Ethiopia’s dev’t

The International hydropower Association indicated that Ethiopia has some of the richest water resources in Africa, distributed across eight major basins with an exploitable hydropower potential of 45,000 MW. Over half of this potential is located in the Abbay and Omo river basins, where the nearly-completed 6,000 MW Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam (GERD) and the recently-completed 1,870 MW Gibe III project, are located.

Ethiopia is fast becoming a centre of industry and new infrastructure, with the aspiration to achieve middle- income status by 2025. Since 2011, Ethiopia has implemented the Climate- Resilient Green Economy (CRGE) strategy, which substitutes conventional development by means of harnessing clean energy sources like hydropower, wind, geothermal, solar and biomass, and implementing energy-efficient technologies in the transport and industrial sectors.

Thus, experts in the area recommend capitalizing with the latest and cotemporary water technology towards harnessing the untapped potential of the blue economy [water] resource.

Ethiopian Water Technology Institute (EWTI) Director Genral Tamene Hailu told The Ethiopian Herald that being source of a plentiful natural resource [water] cannot be enough to realize the envisaged national economic development. Rather, capable human resource development and research-based technology transition in the sector are fundamental, he added.

 As to him, EWTI is a mandated organization in the country towards nurturing the water sector technology and feeding sector professionals with latest sector theoretical and practical indoctrination. Nile water polytechnic colleges throughout the country are on providing water related services backed with EWTI, he noted.He further said that the Institute closely works with local and international stakeholders to familiarize latest water technology in the country.

He said that practical based education and training to sector practitioners is important, adding that, a mutual understanding on capacity building in the water sector should be prioritized to understand the indispensable role of water technology.“The institute is growing and improving in many aspects; training operation and management, training delivery as well as its institutional management and administration”, he indicated.

For his part Ministry of Water, Irrigation and Electricity (MoWIE) State Minister Dr. Eng. Negash Wagesho said that the government is implementing various national strategies and policies to utilize water, irrigation and energy resources properly. The country has been working towards realizing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) 0f the 2030 plan 6- clean water and sanitation for all and plan 7- ensure access to affordable, sustainable and modern energy for all, he added.

According to him, the national policy of the government prioritized potable water supply and sanitation access to all, agricultural irrigation development, hydropower generation, mining and industry growth, natural resource and environmental protection, transportation network expansion, among others.

“Water is a matter of sustainability of life in which addressing the public demand is also a major agenda of the time. Thus, saving water potential at high rainfall season through expanding modern hydropower and other purpose dams is essential”, he stressed.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 14/2019


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