Horticulture export increasing, Ethiopia sticks out as best investment destination

ADDIS ABABA-Ethiopian horticulture yields export is proceeding at a promising pace. Cognizant that the nation is a convenient place for horticulture production investors’ interest is increasing to invest in the country, disclosed Investment Commission (EIC).

Mekonen Hailu Communication Director within Ethiopian Investment Commission told to The Ethiopian Herald that the horticulture export sector has generated more than 264.7 million dollar foreign exchange within the past 11 months. And the flower export took the higher percent of the income.

The sector has showed some improvement as compared to the performance of the past fiscal year, he stated. Horticulture is one among the top from the country’s priority agricultural sectors, the one and the government has been giving the necessary support and incentives for investors. Therefore, there are a lot of foreign investors who want to invest in the country and a lot of companies are on the process to start business in the sector, the director said.

Yemisirach Birihanu promotion and information service director within Ethiopian Horticulture Producers Exporters Association (EHPEA) said that the nation’s ecological zones, climate and proximity to other countries are advantages for the horticulture sector’s productivity. On a little plot it is possible to come up with more yields.

From these horticulture products, flower covers 1700 hectare land .When it comes to flower export, this has made the country second from Africa and fifth from the world.

The government has set aside more than 6000 hectare land, convenient for the sector. When more investors are attracted to such places and invest here more, there will be no reason why the country does not come to the top of the global table, Yemisirach said.

The sector also highly generates foreign currency besides creating job opportunities for more than 200 thousand citizens, she stated. Added, “It is only 15 years, since the horticulture sector developing in the country, regarding of this, we can say that the growth of the sector is going well, that is why we stand on the fifth level in the world”

She also stated, there are some infrastructure, logistics and electric power limitations and all stakeholders are working to address it. Mekonen said, the country has been supplying its most horticulture products for Europe specially for Netherlands market. Its export rate holds about 86 percent. The other countries like Saudi Arabia, Germen, Norway, Belgium, United Arab Emirates, France and Japans are Ethiopia’s horticulture export destination areas.

It has a greater role for widening job opportunities and other socio economic advantages. Especially women become more beneficiaries with the job opportunities, he added. There are over 120 flowers, fruits and vegetables and herbs companies in Ethiopia and most of them belong to foreign investors.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 14/2019


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