Better be yourself at your best

Globalization has brought on its wake easy, cultural and economic interactions among countries. Globalization is highly wielding influence on the cultures and ways of life across the globe. Developing countries are highly influenced by globalization as they always turn dumping grounds.

Ethiopia is not a country immune to the negative influence of foreign cultures. Youngsters are carelessly imitating wired wearing styles, hairdos, and the like downplaying theirs as outmoded or primitive ones.

Currently, the depletion of foreign currency is being a major economic problem in the country. Due to this hurdle, the importation of so many unnecessary or luxury goods is given less preferential treatment if not banned. Though, bans are made on the importation of unnecessary and luxury goods, some unnecessary goods are still ubiquitous in the country.

Heeding the matter, The Ethiopian Herald had approached residents and concerned bodies for their take on the matter. An observer who wants to be anonymous told herald that seeing girls

 with a long and smooth hair in the most cities and towns of the country has no longer become uncommon. Young women in the country are purchasing a long-flowing human hair aiming at attracting attention.

According to the 2011 study, many African American women spent $300 up to $10000 depending on the geographical area. Ethiopia women’s are spending 4800 Birr up to 20000 birr for wearing human hair.

Does wearing human hair have a negative or positive impact? Herald had a short stay with professionals pertaining to the issue.According to sociologist Efrem Amde wearing human hair has several downsides. Entailed in the disadvantages are economic, cultural, psychological, and social impacts. As to him, so many women are seen spending too much money to put on human hair. They are doing this to look good but they are facing financial crisis, said Efrem.

Though beautifying oneself could not be a problem, underplaying own beauty and hankering for others is a reflection of inferiority complex. They are in identity crisis. One who is subject to identity crisis is unable to do anything.

Psychological impacts of wearing human hair are manifested via self-inferiority and identity crisis. As studies show, inferiority complex is one of the major causes of suicide. In addition, it is the act of denying one self and projecting the mask of others. Looking after what one cannot be is an unhealthy bent, which has negative impacts.

Moreover, it makes them dependent on others .This slowly but surely eliminates their confidence built on what they got by nature. So, wearing human hair is not advisable.

Cultural adulteration is another impact of using human hair. Even though some are embracing it as a fad, it is effacing our indigenous culture and ways of life. The majority are using it without knowing the meaning and purpose of it. In addition, the country is gasping for foreign currency. We should carefully devote this for it should be for medication and other necessary equipment.

According to Dr. Solomon Teferra, Associate Professor of Psychiatry at the Department of Psychiatry, Addis Ababa University, said wearing human hair is a global trend. I think it has turned out youngsters’ fashion. Though they have their own hair, they are using it a fashion, said Dr. Solomon. Those, who are deficient in hair, may use it to compensate for a beauty gap. But I donot think the trend is much-practiced among Ethiopian women.

Physical appearance differs from one society to another. When it comes to Ethiopia girls, on the average, they have long hairs by nature. Practicing such a trend is not pretending.

Medias has a great impact in spreading such fads among the society. Models, actress and many society lions are using it as a fashion. So, they are indirectly supporting the fad. I have seen and lived in Europe and America. Many are the women who use human hair. Generally, as I observed it is a global fashion, added the Psychiatrist.

Another anonymous person, who had a short stay with Herald, stressed, wearing human hair, is creating a market opportunity to foreign countries. Besides financial, psychological and identity crisis, wearing human hair may cause disease. Some women are seen wearing human hair continuously. This may create health problem on them.

Even, there are women who lost their original hair due to wearing human hair continuously. It peels off their hair. So, they are advised to abandon it. As to him, countries like Tanzania have already banned human hair due to its financial and psychological crisis. It causes crisis in a country. We have to wake up before it gets too late. As to him, the government should ban human hair. Spending money for human hair or squandering precious wealth for good-for-nothing things causes extravagance. Especially, in developing countries like Ethiopia, spending 5000 to 20000 Birr for human hair is a great loss. Currently, the country is beset by the dearth of foreign currency even for buying drugs. Hence, it seems a mockery of fairness allowing the outflow of hard currency at this point in time.

Awareness should be created in this regard, added the anonymous person. Bethlehem Asfaw is a resident of Addis. She is one of the users of human hair. As to her, girls by their very nature want to be ravishing. As such they could go for a human hair to add luster to their beauty. Men love long and straight hairs. Knowing full well this Achilles hills of men, girls could use human hair, added Bethlehem. It is being used by girls who have money to spend. But those who cannot afford the money may suffer financial crisis. If a girl has the money, she may not bat an eye to fortify her beauty, added Bethlehem.

In addition, having long hair is a sign of beauty stressed Bethlehem. I have been using human hair for long but I have not seen negative symptoms, she added.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 14/2019


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