People eagerly waiting for 29 July

Preparations underway to plant 200 mln. seedlings nationwide

ADDIS ABABA – People in Sidama and Gedeo Zone of South Nations, Naitonalities and Peoples Region, are eagerly waiting for 29 July, the day to plant 200 million seedlings across the nation, according to the environmental protection and Climate Change bureaus of the two zone .

People in the two zones of the State are well known for their ages old and rich culture of planting and protecting forests. “It is simple for us to put in to practice the premier’s ambitious plan, they added.

Murassa Muga, Sidama Zone Environmental Protection and Climate Change Office Head told The Ethiopian Herald that the zone has already transplanted about 1 million different kinds of seedlings out of the 140 million seedlings planned to be planted in the zone. The plantation covers about 29 000 hectares of land.

He further stated that, the zonal administration has readied seedlings and finalized digging of holes alongside sensitizing the public to actively participate in the transplantation of the remaining seedlings on the day set by the premier.

Similarly people in Gedeo zone have also finalized preparation to leave their finger print in the historical campaign of planting 200 million seedling across the country and to bring new world record, said Leta Legesse, Gedeo Zone Agriculture and Natural Resource Office Head.

Since last April, about 29 million seedlings were planted in different woredas of our zone which are of different kinds, he added. For July 29, we have prepared more than 10 million seedlings, and finalized digging of holes, he added.

“It is better to go hand in hand to achieve the premier’s valuable plan to protect carbon emission apart from breaking the world record. All individual should say “yes, I can” and contribute to achieving the target,” they suggested.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 13/2019


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