Coffee roasters eying Chinese growing habit of drinking coffee

ADDIS ABABA – After enactment of a proclamation that allowed exporting value added coffee and the series of promotional works abroad, Ethiopian Coffee Roasters say they are working hard to exploit the growing demand for roasted Coffee in China.

Menelik Habtu, Chairperson of Ethiopian Roasted Coffee Exporters Association and a coffee roaster on his part said in China, a society called third-way is becoming well known after many workers started to frequently drink coffee in their working places as well as in coffee shops.

He added that his Association exports roasted coffee to various countries. Drinking coffee has become a sign of modernity in various parts of the world. The same is true in China and Ethiopian coffee is also becoming preferable.

However, it does not mean that coffee is accessible to as many social groups. This shows that Ethiopia is left with many activities in the coming years.

“In the past, Ethiopian coffee proclamation did not encourage roasted coffee export and was bureaucratic. After the Authority took action on exporting roasted coffee, a new proclamation, 1051/2017 was enacted two years ago. As a result, roasted coffee became inspiring and industries were motivated to return to their previous activities to export roasted coffee’’, he added.

Shafi Umer, Director at Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority and Marketing Department Head told The Ethiopian Herald that Ethiopian Coffee consumption has been increasing in China gradually.

According to the Director, after taking a remarkable action on coffee promotion in China’s market during the past two years, many people are inclined to use Ethiopian coffee. Yet, many people are not used to drinking coffee as they prefer tea which is their favorite culture in their long history.

On the other hand, the Authority has prepared ‘’ market strategy’’ which helps to encourage the export and domestic consumption of roasted coffee as a value-added commodity.

To encourage roasted coffee export, the Authority has formed ‘’ Association of Roasted Coffee Exporters ’’ which helps to export quality coffee and enable it to generate more income, he added.

On the other hand, opening new coffee shops and creating partnerships are the plans of the Authority to gain a competitive advantage. To realize these, market proclamation and rule were established two years ago and now start its work for European countries while ready to export to the African market.

Many African countries used to buy coffee from European countries for many years. This shows that Ethiopia has some gap with the African coffee market. To bridge the gaps, Ethiopia has invited different African countries last week to share its knowledge and encourage people-to-people relation.

Particularly, the proclamation has enabled to identify the root cause of Ethiopian coffee during the past periods. In addition to this, working with Chinese partners is the plan of the Authority to ensure mutual benefit.

Menelik on his part stressed that promotion should be the priority agenda before exporting any type of coffee crops. In this regard, his association participates in various coffee markets to advertise its produces in collaboration with the Authority. They do similar promotional works in China twice a year, he said.

According to Shafi the Authority gives due attention to support the coffee roasters association through training, encouraging to participate in exhibitions and providing working places, among others.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 13/2019


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