AI as indispensable driving force for Ethiopia’s future

ADDIS ABABA — Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a key driving force of Ethiopia’s destiny in the future as it is one of the technological innovations on the forefront to change our lives and lifestyles, said Prof. Afework Kassu, State Minister of Science and Higher Education (MoSHE).

On the Second National Workshop on AI for Ethiopia, Prof. Afework further said as AI is imperative for the sustained development, social growth and transformation, Ethiopia should not be far from the technology.

According to recent international studies, 30 percent of jobs would be automated by 2030 and up to 400 million workforces around the world, including managers from junior to senior levels will be under the influence of AI.

AI and other latest technologies have high capacity in creativity and accomplishing enormous tasks, we should produce a competent workforce in Digital Technology, benefit from its job opportunities and be ready to do our homework in this regard, he underscored.

He also said that for a country like Ethiopia that has a large number of educated youth who seek employment opportunities, the role of AI and other incoming technologies is enormous. He stressed that the education system should give prime attention to teachers’ training towards imparting good education to students in digital technology. It is simple to adapt the technology if it is developed by Ethiopians. Therefore it must be prioritized to train many individuals on the sector, he noted.

General Director of the Ethiopian Biotechnology Institute, Kassahun Tesfaye (Ph.D.) on his part said that AI is being pursued by countries aspiring for enhanced wealth and influence in world politics. Therefore, “It is time for us to build a vibrant AI ecosystem along with startup initiatives for Ethiopia,’’ he cited.

He further stated that seizing the technological lead in AI is often viewed as an imperative for both 21st-century defense and global competitiveness. It is also considered a key technology that has an important influence on the emergence and development of a series of high-tech in this century.

He was quoted as saying: “We are on the turning point of a digital revolution that will fundamentally change the way we live. AI solutions have the potential to transform areas as diverse and critical as agriculture, healthcare, education, and finance promising to help accelerate progress towards the 2030 agenda for sustainable development.”

AI is also considered as a key driver of what is known as the 4th industrial revolution in the development of new technologies that bridge the physical, digital and biological spheres, he said.

According to Dr. Kassahun, Ethiopia’s current economic growth uniquely requires to ensure technologies that are broadly important for the country. Tewodros Bekele, Deputy, Director General of the Ethiopian Biotechnology Institute said that the emerging technology roadmap is on the pipeline of implementation next Ethiopian fiscal year.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 13/2019


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