Ministry sets to enhance horticulture productivity, destinations

ADDIS ABABA – The Ministry of Agricul­ture has planned to step up horticulture prod­ucts through improved production mecha­nisms to the global market in the current fiscal year.

Speaking to The Ethiopian Herald, Horticul­ture Export Coordinator Mekonnen Solomon said that pronouncing the gaps and lessons learnt previously, the ministry is aggres­sively engaging on various interventions to promote the potential of the country for horticulture investment and export volumes.

He further remarked that the ministry has been taking bold steps to boost the value of flower production by coordinating land for export consolidators with districts and urban settlements.

So far, in coordination with the regions and stakeholders, it has been identifying and pre­paring new land for new investors who are engaged in horticulture export development to create a favorable environment for export­ing.

“We are establishing and implementing a cold framework management system from farm to market to maintain and send qual­ity horticulture products to the international market,” he pinpointed.

Moreover, despite the limitations in land which is used for flower cultivation in the past seven years, the company has managed to utilize the existing land economically with new varieties that are desirable and produc­tive in the market.

As to him, Netherlands, UK, Saudi Arabia, USA and Japan are among the destination countries importing a large volume of flow­ers, while Somalia, Djibouti, Netherlands, Russia and UK importing a large segment of vegetables.

He further indicated that a remarkable amount of foreign currency income was reg­istered by improving and exporting qualified flowers and adding value to packaging to market destinations which meet the require­ments of the destination markets in the past seven years.

“Lack of quality product, logistics and ad­equate transportation system, land access, sectoral coordination and others are the bot­tlenecks witnessed in the sector that result in the lower amount of fruits and vegetables has not been able to penetrate the global market destination,” he emphasized.

Agriculture, manufacturing industry, mining and service sector are among the main ex­port economic sectors that the Government of Ethiopia has given priority, he stated.

In the previous Ethiopian Fiscal Year, the to­tal national export performance of the above mentioned sectors reached 3.635 billion USD. Out of this, the share of the agricul­tural sector accounts 79.5%, it was learnt.

Besides, coffee accounts for 46%, while hor­ticulture investment hit 23% share and this makes the coffee and horticulture investment sub-sectors to play significant contributions to the performance of exports in the previous fiscal year, he remarked.



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