Policy – people at its center

The government has started to attach increasing attention to the affairs of Ethiopians and foreign nationals of Ethiopian origin—the level of the attention has gathered a new momentum as the foreign relations policy of Ethiopia which is at draft stage put the community’s safety and benefits at its heart.

The size of the community is estimated to surpass three million. Its contribution to the all-round development of the country has still been low. Various data have already ascertained that the volume of the annual remittance of community is much bigger than the country’s export trade.This community has, by and large, a wealth of experiences and knowledge. As such, the invaluable asset is still untapped.

In recent years, however, policymakers started to respond to the demands of the community properly and consistently, aiming at ensuring its benefits and participation.A milestone in this regard could be the formulation of a diaspora policy envisaged to maximize the political, social and economic engagements of Ethiopian’s living overseas.

Since coming to Office, Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed as well proved his commitment to integrating the people in the affairs of their country and origin. A notable example is the establishment of an Ethiopian Diaspora Trust Fund. The Fund has got over 20 thousand donors and has collected over four million dollars since its establishment a year ago with a catchall phrase a dollar a day.

The thing is to enable members of the community to donate one dollar a day that will be invested in unmet social projects. Above and beyond, the draft policy has placed the community at center stage. Regional integration and economic diplomacy being among the pillars, the policy is meant to ensure the safety, benefits, and participation of citizens and foreign nationals of Ethiopian origin.

To cut a long story short, the government’s intention is unprecedented. And it worth a big applauds!Scholars from various backgrounds, politicians, seasoned ambassadors, among others, have been appraising the policy document. Their valuable inputs, without a shadow of a doubt, will enrich the document.

As Ethiopia takes a new path, citizens have bigger impacts, particularly in branding the country’s images. For this to come true, the role of a three million and plus overseas’ community is huge. That is why the government has feasted its eyes on them.

The existing policy’s service life must come to an end for obvious reasons. New developments have been registered in the region, continent, and globally. The coming to being of the newest African nation, South Sudan, and the Ethio-Eritrea rapprochement could be just a few cases to mention.

When the draft policy sees the light of day in a short time, it will surely transform the diplomatic tasks of the country.Unlike previous days, the assignment of diplomats has been made to be on the basis of merit which is part and parcel of the reform works implemented on the diplomatic front.

The policy revision and reform work ultimately protect the security, economic and other interests of the country. Above all, the practical steps the government has taken could make the overseas’ community a vanguard in the task of obtaining a favorable national image.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 12/2019

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