Agency approves Chinese project’s design

ADDIS ABABA – A design has been reviewed and approved for a 12-km of “Beautifying Sheger” project that the Chinese government develops, Addis Ababa City Administration River Basins and Green Areas Development and Administration Agency told The Ethiopian Herald.

The design covers the 12-km riverbank from Entoto all the way to Peacock Park, and a 49-hectare of Central Square of the project, she said. The project covers a total of 56-km on two rivers stretching from Entoto down to Akaki.

The construction of a central square in front of Sheraton Addis is being supported by the Chinese government, according to her. Stating as the project will not displace large number of residents, she said survey tasks have also been concluded.

The Agency is working on a detailed resettlement action plan, she added. She reiterated that the project basically aims at building the image of the capital while boosting its tourism potential. And also the project aims to create jobs during and after its implementation; increase riverside economies; transform urban tourism, and provide a recreational area for the city’s residents.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 12/2019


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