Always be yourself !

Some people tell you to be different things from their experience which might sometimes be helpful but you definitely do not have to change your core values.

I am not saying you do not have to grow as a person but it should be at your own pace and your own comfort.

Some people tell me to be more of what they think is a better quality …. For example; am an introvert and they tell me to be an extrovert, which doesn’t suit me and isn’t my core value.

I like spending time by myself more than socializing, I like writing, listening to music, watching movies and taking a walk by myself which most people at my age think is mundane because they are extroverted and like to socialize, go to parties and stuff…

I tried to be like others because I listened to people which didn’t work out for me… my energy was drained and I was depressed…. So I did was what I was comfortable doing and avoided the rest.

Then, I started to become more efficient, happy and successful… I kept on expressing my feelings with poems and articles like this which makes me feel good and I focused more on academics…

I just love the way my life is right now and I don’t want to change any bit of it by listening to others.

Some say “why aren’t you married yet ?or why don’t you have a child ?” which I don’t plan to recently. People may be nosy but if you know yourself well that is all that matters.

Some people like to read but as a writer I don’t read a lot. I just listen to podcasts and stuff and for some time I thought I should read more like others but that wasn’t my style.

The more I tried to be like others the less satisfied I became and the more I adhered to my qualities the happier and more creative I became.

So for me success is becoming my authentic self than being pretentious and copying others.


The Ethiopia Herald September 14/2023

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