Ethiopian economy recovering: Government

ADDIS ABABA – The Ethiopian gov­ernment says the country’s economy has started to rebound.

Briefing the Media at the Prime Min­ister’s Office yesterday, the country’s finance and investment top brass stat­ed that the country has started many projects by taking out loan from inter­national creditors, which spiked the country’s debt to GDP ratio to 31 per­cent as the projects were not finished at scheduled time and at the needed quality.

 In addition, they said that the econo­my was stuck low gear as the previous policy had problems, and it has start­ed to rebound as a result to the mea­sures the government took.

Finance State Minister Dr. Eyob Tekalegn on the occasion said that the economy in a bad state and un­able to achieve the second Growth and Transformation Plan has put the country in a bad place. It created sky-high national debt.

In the meantime, trade gap ballooned, sectors that were incentivized did not amount to anything, and the planned structural transformation did not ma­terialize.

The economy which was heavily pub­lic sector-driven has shifted its ap­proach to where both the public and private sector play their respective role. The government is working to create a conducive environment to support the private sector. And vari­ous measures are taken to this end.

The Minister also pointed out that the economy is made to recover after the government undertook a thorough assessment to treat the economy.

It has worked to identify the problems that exist within the economy. Legal reforms are being undertaken. The Ministry is working to adjust the in­centive system. By identifying new economic sources, projects that were stopped due to minimal problems are back to work.

The fact that Plan Commission assess­ment projected a 9.2 percent econom­ic growth is a show that the economy is bouncing back, he noted.

Abebe Abebayehu, Ethiopia Invest­ment Commission Commissioner, for his part stated that about 40 legal and procedural reforms have taken place to help the private sector create job and become the main protagonist in the economy. Citing data from in­ternational institutions, the Commis­sioner said that Ethiopia is one of the top five investment destinations in the region.

We should work even more consider­ing the country’s potential resource. And various works are underway to realize this. Creating job for citizens is the main solution to solving the peace and security issue the country is cur­rently facing. And to do this, the gov­ernment and the people should work hand in hand. It is the private sector, and not the public sector, that creates job. What is expected from the gov­ernment is to create conducive envi­ronment, he added.

The Ethiopian Herald July 10/2019


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