World system suitable to all

 Ethiopia is aggressively working towards a better diversified and inclusive diplomatic engagement on bilateral and multilateral arenas. At a bi-weekly press briefing he held here last Thursday, MoFA Spokesperson Ambassador Meles Alem stated that due attention has been given to a holistic diplomatic engagement in the current year.

Ethiopia’s recent opportunity to become a member country of BRICS (Brazil, Russia, India, China, and South Africa) highlights its commitment in pursuing an inclusive approach to diplomacy.

Its stance on inclusive diplomacy stems from a recognition to the global order that is fast taking a new shape. We no longer live in a unipolar or bi-polar world. Power and influence are dispersed among multiple nations and regions. This necessitates the cultivation of diverse partnerships to address global challenges effectively. By actively engaging with a range of countries and regional blocs, Ethiopia seeks to maximize its diplomatic reach and leverage. It in short will enjoy the benefits of a more interconnected world.

While disclosing government’s commitment, the spokesperson assured that the ministry will work more on enhancing holistic and cross-cutting diplomatic engagements in the areas of aviation, sports, cultural and people-to-people diplomacy. As such, the government is working to increase Ethiopia’s diplomatic outreach across the globe using the wisdom and ability of its diplomats.

Engaging in an inclusive diplomacy offers numerous advantages for Ethiopia. Firstly, it enables Ethiopia to diversify its sources of investment, technology, and expertise. Secondly, inclusive diplomacy heightens Ethiopia’s diplomatic influence by allowing it to bridge gaps among different regions and act as a mediator in international conflicts. Thirdly, inclusive diplomacy promotes cultural exchange, people-to-people connections, and mutual understanding, fostering a more harmonious and cooperative global community.

Ethiopia’s potential membership in BRICS signifies its desire to deepen ties with influential emerging economies. BRICS countries collectively represent a significant share of global GDP and population, making their collaboration vital for addressing global economic, political, and developmental issues. Membership in BRICS would offer Ethiopia an opportunity to foster economic cooperation, technology transfer, and investment, while also providing a platform to voice its perspectives on global affairs.

Ethiopia’s membership of the bloc showcases that the country is fit in various qualities and with its bright futurity. To mention a few, it is the second populous country in Africa which can be assumed as a big market; it is building one of the largest economies in the sub-Saharan Africa; it is an exemplary country in mitigating climate change via expanding green legacy and also its diplomatic influence is emerging in the global arena.

Thus, the East African country adds more power to the bloc in balancing the world’s political, economic and social influence. However, Ethiopia’s pursuit of inclusive diplomacy does not imply a disregard for its existing relationships. The United States, for instance, remains an important partner for Ethiopia in various areas, including trade, security cooperation, and development assistance. Ethiopia recognizes the value of maintaining strong ties with traditional allies while simultaneously forging new partnerships. In doing so, Ethiopia can harness the benefits of diverse alliances and navigate the complexities of an increasingly interconnected world.

What must be clear is alliances such as BRICS are not directed at undermining the interests of anyone. Rather, they stimulate the creation of a fairer world. We all wish to live in a world where every economy and community enjoys an equal status at multilateral fronts.

By the same token, Ethiopia’s diplomatic engagements in multilateral arenas including the United Nations (UN), African Union (AU), and the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) will be guided by its commitment to multilateralism. Its main foreign policy imperative in the Horn of Africa is ensuring peace and stability as well as economic integration supported by people-to-people and infrastructural linkages.

On top of gaining multisectoral benefits as a nation, Ethiopia’s membership to the bloc enables it voice in favor of Africa’s interest in the global affairs.


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