House approves new commission establishment

ADDIS ABABA– The House of Peoples’ Representatives yesterday approved proclamation establishing the Boundary Administration and Identity Affairs Commission. The Commission is responsible to provide scientific recommendations as an input in solving the claims of identity and boundary affairs between and within constituent states for the authoritative government institutions.

Tesfaye Daba, Chairperson of the Foreign Relations and Peace Standing Committee stressed that the Commission is expected to produce scientific commendations that could be inputs in solving ethnicity and boundary induced tensions in all corners of the country in which it (Ethiopia) lacks at present. During the hearing, some MPs criticized that the Commission denies the right of Nation, Nationalities and Peoples to self administration, the power of the House of Federation and the respective states.

On the proponent side, MPs stated that it has nothing to contraHouse approves new commission establishment dict with the constitution and the right of Nations, Nationalities and Peoples for self-government within the federation. In a move that can be labeled as one step up in exercising power since the coming of Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) and the consequent political reform, the parliamentarians got to be critic of new proclamations.

The House has approved the proclamation by 33 against, 4 abstinence and majority vote, after the extended hearing. The Prime Minister is expected to present members of the Commission to the House for approval in a short time after its approval. Meanwhile, the House also approved the amendment bill of the National Defence Forces. “The development of the draft proclamation was shallow.

It was not examined well by the stakeholders including the general public and state governments before it was forwarded to the responsible the Standing Committee of the Foreign Relations and Peace. And it is imposed from uncertain body.” They also raised that it may lead to discard some portions of the constitution in terms neutrality and beg for further scrutiny before its approval.

The Ethiopian Herald, December 21/2018


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