Authority readies over 1.5 mln. coffee seedlings

ADDIS ABABA- With a view to replacing old coffee trees, over 1.5 million coffee seedlings will be plant­ed this rainy season, Ethiopian Coffee and Tea Authority told The Ethiopian Herald.

The young coffee plants are im­proved species which would help in­crease production, said

Authority’s Coffee, Tea and Spices Extension Directorate Director Berha­nu Tsegaye The replacement will take place by planting 70 percent new seedlings and by pruning [cutting branches and top of the tree to encourage production] 30 percent of the old trees, according to him.

Indicating as 90 percent of the planting program will undergo in Oro­mia and Southern Nations, National­ities and People’s States, the director added as the program includes the sur­rounding environs of Dire Dawa and Harari state.

The agro-ecological zone and soil fertility of the states and the environs of the city make coffee production vi­able, he added.

He also mentioned specific eco­logical regions where the replacement and pruning would be held listing as Jimma, Kaffa, Masho, West Wollega, Illubabor and Bale.

Two coffee growing districts in each of the states of Benishangul Gumuz and Gambela are also in the scheme.

The country produced around 494,000 tons of coffee over the just ending fiscal year and the current seeding plantation is aimed at improv­ing the production to 800, 000 tons of coffee in three years’ time.

According to him, old coffee spe­cies covers 700,000 hectare of land.

 The Ethiopian Herald July 5/2019


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