Ethiopian makes its Maiden Flight to Marseille

ADDIS ABABA– Ethiopian has stretched wings to France’s second largest city; Marseille, a second destination in France and 20th in Eu­rope.

The maiden flight was inaugu­rated on July 3, 2019 at Bole Inter­national Airport in the presence of Addis based diplomatic community including French Ambassador Ex­traordinary and Plenipotentiary to Ethiopia Frédéric Bontems as well as the airline’s Group CEO Tewol­de GebreMariam and other senior government officials.

The flight is thrice a week, the statement indicating, adding with the new flight, Ethiopian now op­erates over 60 passenger flights to European cities every week.

“Ethiopian Airlines has been flying to Paris since 1971 connect­ing Africa to the French capital for nearly five decades thereby facili­tating trade investment, tourism and people-to-people ties.”

Currently, Ethiopian flies to more than 120 international desti­nations across five continents with young fleet.

 The Ethiopian Herald July 5/2019

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