Hotel show promoting hospitality industry, job create

Valerie Seitz, a German woman came to Ethiopia five years ago to provide voluntary services. While working as a volunteer, she liked the weather condition and culture of the places in the country sides of Ethiopia where she served. Then she decided to live here up on completing her term as a volunteer.

Recently she started a lodge called Mulu Ecolodge in East Gojjam, Chochoye district of Dega Damot woreda.

“The area is endowed with huge endemic life, waterfall and fresh air that originates from Choke Mountain. Previously there was no tourism activity in that area. That is why I decided to open this lodge there.” Says Balari.

She further noted that there is a need for building more infrastructures like road and health center to further develop the tourism potential of the area. Currently she is working voluntarily to support the local community in projects like constructing flour mills near their village.

Currently over 14 farmers are working in the lodge. At a recently organized hotel show, the farmers were able to display and promote their products of traditional food and beverage like Areke and Teji (liquor), Honey, Tela (traditional home made beer) and other services.

Launched in 2013 Hotel Show Africa – Hospitality and Tourism Investment Show is a Pioneer and Leading Hospitality event in Ethiopia and one of the biggest shows in the continent.

 The Hotel Show contributed to narrow the gap among developers, service providers, tour and travel agents and suppliers of the hospitality industry at large scale.

“The era is the period where the world is interconnected as one village. Any organization should use such occasion to strengthen its business by creating trade relation with other actors,” Said Dr. Hirut Kassaw Minister of Culture and Tourism, while addressing the opening of the 7th Hotel show Africa 2019 in Hospitality and Investment Trade Show at millennium Hall last week.

She adds: “This event also enables us to connect with counterparts around the world and increase profits through  forming business linkages with those engaged in related activities.”

Thus, the occasion opens a netw orking opportunity to busine sspersons engaging in hotel, tourism and related works, she added.

On the other hand, Ozzie Managing Director and Founder Kumneger Teketel elaborates “We have been organizing international standard expo on Hospitality and Investment Trade Show Africa for the last eight years for the hotel and tourism related work areas, and exerted utmost efforts for tour and travel agents and hoteliers, among others.

“We call on the government to work with us so as to make tourism sector the back bone of the economy and the source of income for the people and the country.” He added, “for the developing world such event is one opportunity to work with other world in network.”

Hotel training institutes, hotels, equipment suppliers and tour operators have participated in the expo and exhibited their products and services.

Another participant in the expo, Winta Tesfaye, manager of a hotel, on her part told The Ethiopian Herald that their hotel has been providing service for the public and tourists for last seven years.

She adds, the hotel is participating in the expo for the 4th round and helps to anchor with other local and international business runners and hotel equipment suppliers, tour and travel agents.

Academic Coordinator of an NGO Bekalu Alene said the organization support economically challenged girls and the street children. It has been training them in hotel and tourism operation related works. So far over 400 individuals have been trained and have got job by creating network.

They are creating linkage with hotels to create job opportunity for disadvantaged girls and working cooperatively with hotels, according to Bekalu.

The participants said the expo helps in fostering their business and creates network opportunity with the global industry brands.

The Ethiopian Herald July 5/2019


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