Premier lauds diplomatic successes over ten months

ADDIS ABABA- Prime Minster Abiy Ahmed said the country has achieved remarkable diplomatic success in the past ten months of the budget year.

While presenting the ten months performance report of his administration to parliament last Monday, the Premier said that his administration has revised the foreign relation and diplomacy plan of the country with a view to effectively protecting the rights, dignity, and benefit of citizens at national and international levels.

He said various efforts have also been undertaken to build the capacity of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Ethiopia’s diplomatic missions across the world.

Indicating that the primary concern of Ethiopia’s foreign relations is its citizens, Abiy said; “Without a shadow of doubt, the rise of far-right extremism has had an impact on our citizens residing in every part of the world. By strengthening citizen-oriented diplomacy, we are striving to protect the rights and dignity of citizens.”

In doing so, over 15,000 Ethiopians were released from prisons abroad and returned home. The government has also facilitated the return of over 76,000 Ethiopian employees abroad whose work permits were terminated due to various reasons.

The government has also managed to sign overseas employment agreements with various countries to make sure that the rights and benefits of Ethiopians who are employed in those countries are protected.

As to the Prime Minister, neighboring countries remain the top priorities of Ethiopia’s foreign relations. “With this view, we have been successful in ending the ‘no peace no war’ scenario between Ethiopia and Eritrea and sustain the resulting historic peace deal. Besides, we have played our part in mediating negotiations between our neighbors Somali and Kenya as well as the disputing parties of South Sudan. We have also been brokering peace in Sudan.”

Stating that African brothers can now enter Ethiopia through the newly introduced visa on arrival service, the premier also noted that Ethiopia has endorsed the Africa Free Trade Agreement.

He also noted that Ethiopia is working with its neighbors to maintain regional peace and stability and develop ports jointly.

The country has also been successful in maintaining friendly relations with many countries without being dragged by others’ agenda and taking sides, Abiy said.

The premier has also indicated that the country has earned billions of USD through development aid, grant, loan and interest cancelation.  

The Ethiopian Herald, July 4/2019


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