Council planning to bring individuals disseminating hate speech before court of law

ADDIA ABABA – Ethio-American Civic Council disclosed that it has commenced activities to bring Ethiopians in the Diaspora who have been disseminating hate speech through the social media before the court of law.

Council Public Relation Acting Director Amsalu Tsegaye told Ethiopian Press Agency that the Council is committed to supporting the on-going reform initiatives taking place in the country.

Urging members of the Diaspora to refrain from spreading hate speech through digital media outlets, the Council also announced that it has started preparations to make individuals who are disseminating hate speech through social media liable by the law of United States.

So far, the Council has made deliberation with members of American Congress and other pertinent bodies and was shown a green light to gather information about hate speech promoters, he added. Though there is freedom of speech in America, there is also a system that prohibits the spread of hate among citizens.

The initiative of the Council will inform few individuals in the Ethio-American society to refrain from spreading hate speech through the social media that instigates ethnic conflicts, he said adding, the actions of such individuals is disturbing the moral values and harmonious coexistence of Ethiopians. The individuals will face penalties and they might even be deported depending on the weight of their crimes, he said.

Indicating that the council has no relations with the government of Ethiopia, Amsalu urged the diaspora to actively participate and contribute their share for the realization of the plan. Accordingly, everyone can email profiles of wrongdoers who are participating in spreading hate speech using”.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 4/2019


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