Research ethics empowers researchers to become competitive

 A case study by David B. Resnik, J.D. (PhD), Bioethicist and Institutional Review Board Chair, stated,

The research protocol for a study of a drug on hypertension requires the administration of the drug at different doses to 50 laboratory mice, with chemical and behavioral tests to determine toxic effects. Tom has almost finished the experiment but he has only 5 mice left to test.

However, he really wants to finish his work in time to go to Florida on spring break with his friends, who are leaving tonight. He has injected the drug in all 50 mice but has not completed all of the tests. He therefore decides to extrapolate from the 45 completed results to produce the 5 additional results.

Many different research ethics policies would hold that Tom has acted unethically by fabricating data. If this study were sponsored by agencies that are responsible for managing researches, his actions would constitute a form of research misconduct, which the agencies define as “fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism” (FFP).

Scholars suggest that there are three sets of obligations of a researcher to adhere to professional standards. These are an obligation to honor the trust that their colleagues place on them; an obligation to themselves and an obligation to act in ways that serve the public. Irresponsible conduct in research can make it impossible to achieve the intended goal.

To carry out these obligations, research works at higher education institutions should be governed by ethics and journal accreditation has to be recognized. The issue has granted special attention in Ethiopia. This was seen when high officials and scholars attended a national consultative workshop themed: Academic Publication, Research Ethics and Journal Accreditation in Ethiopia, here recently.

“The workshop has national agenda regarding research work,” said Zerihun Kebede (PhD), Director General of Academic and Infrastructure at the Ministry of Science and Higher Education (MoSHE) adding, “Among these teaching learning, research and community service and institutional linkage are the three basic missions of higher education sector. A structure at a directorate level is organized in the ministry to carry out the missions.”

In organizational structure of science and higher education, research is given special attention as science is basically related with research. Research ethics, as of Dr. Zerihun, is essential not only at a university level but also at a national level. The workshop held from 10 – 11 June, 2019 here in Addis focused on national research ethics review system, journal accreditation and research article publication vs. academic promotion.

“There is lack of transparent performance in research works. Moreover, there is absence of unified and all rounded ethical review system. For instance, in the field of science and technology, during the progress of the institution at different levels from science and technology commission up to Ministry of Science and Technology, as of my understanding, there has not been national ethical research committee except in health science,” said Dr. Zerihun.

According to him, research conducted on any sector whether it is health, agriculture, environment or any other needs its own ethics. He believes that the experience gained in human health sector can be basis for the formulation of national ethical review system.

The workshop is organized aiming to formulate national research ethics program. Ministry of Science and Higher Education is responsible to lead this program in addition to other duties like conducting research works in Technical, Vocational, Educational and Training (TVET) and higher education institutions.

Regarding the second issue for discussion on the workshop which is journal accreditation, Dr. zerihun said that it is not managed structurally. Ethiopian Academy Of Science has begun activity to make formal this big national issue that helps for the advancement of science and technology. Common understanding has to be reached regarding this national issue.

The third point of discussion for the workshop as to Dr. Zerihun is research article publication vs. academic promotion. Academic status granted by one university is acceptable by another university. The question ‘why?’ should be addressed first in this regarding. A person who is granted assistant professor or professor by one Higher Education Institution has equally to be accepted by other HEI. But the problem, there is no unified standard as a nation.

This problem as of Dr. Zerihun, has to be solved by own capacity as there is no acceptable external solution. Therefore, it is also an expected outcome from the scholars gathered from different HEIs to set a unified structural solution for this national issue.

Partakers of the workshop include higher officials and researchers of the universities in the country. Amid them some have presented papers concerning research ethics system in Ethiopia; proposed national systems of journal accreditation in Ethiopia; current issues in academic publishing and the need for awareness creations at Higher Education Institutions (HIEs) and Ethiopia’s research performance and trends of academic promotion at HEIs.

Solomon Benor (PhD), MoSHE, Director for Research Affairs, made his remarks emphasizing on introduction to the Ministry, objectives of the meeting and expected result. He thoroughly explained about the arrangement of the ministry from its technical school level up to current status. As to him, the ministry has made gradual progress through different proclamations at different times.

Currently, the ministry is focusing on research works particularly ethical research. In line with their engagement on teaching activity, academic stuffs nationwide are expected to conduct a thematic research, said Dr. Solomon.

Though it has been discussed many times for the past two decades, research institutions and industry-linkage have not been functional because of poor engagement of universities and industries. Therefore, as of science and innovation technology policy the linkage is given due attention and was considered as one of important agenda of the policy. The Ministry of Science and Higher Education is leading this linkage at a national level through a council formed, said Dr. Solomon.

Kiros Guesh (PhD), Axum University Vice President for Academic and Research, has presented his remarks on Ethiopia’s research performance and the trends of academic promotion at HEIs. While explaining about Ethiopia’s research shelf, he said that the first research publication was in 1837 by a German missionary.

Though the first research publication of the country traces back long ago, the total publication Ethiopia has registered in its history of research is 26,000 articles. Ethiopia’s research publication share in Africa does not exceed 4 percent and this, according to Dr. Guesh, indicates more research works in number and subject area are needed to the country of more than 100 million populations.

Partakers of the workshop from different higher education institutions have risen their concerning points. Among these are publications issues are at risk at the moment due to various challenges. Amid the challenges to publish journals is acceptance by author. “Working on that is necessary to bring global influence of our journals in addition to internal even to gain fund support,” they stressed.

The Ethiopian Herald May 24/2019


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