Experts call on stakes to revise Carbon marketing

ADDIS ABABA – Though carbon marketing is framed to let developing nations participate in reducing emissions and encourage companies to limit emissions of CO2, farmers of developing nations are not getting the right benefit, according experts.

In exclusive interview Commission of Environment, Forest and Climate Change Resource Mobilization and Project Monitoring Directorate Director Tirhas Mebrhatom noted that the Commission is working with stakes to avert the scenario and let farmers get what they deserve.

Yes, Carbon project farms are growing making Ethiopia one of the frontrunners in rehabilitating degraded lands, increasing regeneration, carbon sequestration as well reducing carbon emissions but farms denied accessing Carbon buyers.

“Pertinent stakes are amending and revising the climate finance modalities agreed to make it comply with realties, the Commission hopes in 2020 new carbon marketing approach will developed and ratified that could extend carbon marketing, ” she noted.

The marketing had been operating based on the good will of entities but the new agreement could change this scenario for the common good, because saving the world responsibility falls under the hands of all actors.

Ethiopia will keep on in par taking in carbon marketing and in activities that mitigate greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. This could contribute equally to the fight against climate change.

According to her, Ethiopia is aiming to achieve middle-income status by 2025 just by realizing and developing a green economy. The Commission is working to address the challenge in the Carbon marketing working in collaboration with domestic and international partners.

Asfaw Mariame Re-greening Africa Project Manager at World Vision Ethiopia told The Ethiopian Herald that in 2004, World Vision Ethiopia took the initiation to restore the mountain and start carbon sequestration project in agreement with community and local government. The project was in the Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples’ State in Wolayita Zone, Humbo Carbon Project was commenced.

Though the Humbo Carbon Project has shown prolific accomplishments and many communities in the area keeping on requesting to organize them on similar approach things could not go the way they should because carbon project cannot get carbon buyers easily, he noted.

According to him, the project revenue generated for Humbo is over 53,million USD with sequestration potential of over 88 0000 CO2 and covering about three thousands hectares of degraded forest which have been gradually restored and is sustainably managed by surrounding rural communities. It is the first of its kind in Ethiopia using farmer-managed natural regeneration techniques to restore the degraded natural forest and generate carbon credits.

“In my view, it high time to work on revising the protocols of the Carbon marketing and make sure each nation get fair resource in Carbon trade. Experts in the sectors as well policy makers should come up with workable approaches that could assist to mobilize resources to mitigate GHG,” he opined.

The Ethiopian Herald, July 3/2019


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