Making Ethio- Eritrea peace deal sustainable, inclusive

It has been one year since the 20-year military standoff and animosity between Ethiopia and Eritrea came to end. Ever since the two sisterly countries signed the peace deal on July 9, 2018, a number of world leaders and organizations have been hailing the unwavering commitments of both countries’ leaders towards strengthening people to people ties and supporting various activities to bring sustainable peace across the Horn of Africa.

For instance, Schengen Peace Foundation and World Peace Forum recently conferred the ‘Luxemburg’ Peace Award to Ethiopia and Eritrea for the 2018 initiative to promote peace and outstanding peace achievement. Indeed, Ethiopia – Eritrea peace deal has yielded enormous dividends for the two countries and the Horn of Africa region at large. This is because the whole world is right now witnessing the irreplaceable role of the deal in ensuring sustainable peace and security, economic growth and regional cooperation.

Apparently, recouping the lost time and opportunities due to the senseless border war should spearhead the Ethio- Eritrea cooperation and the regional economic integration efforts as a whole. Moreover, the tasks of making the peace deal structured, sustainable and inclusive have been receiving special attention from both governments as they have been holding series of extensive discussions to this end.

No doubt, sooner than later both countries will ink the much- awaited comprehensive cooperation accord aimed at consolidating the peace deal in particular and speeding up the lofty goal of regional economic integration in general.

Surly, the accord will deal at Ethio- Eritrea trade relations beyond all others. These days, some experts are advising these two countries to establish a single post border trade like the East African Community; this is because such arrangement will boost trade facilitation across borders of the two countries by harmonizing border control regulations and procedures.

Plus, the single post border trade enables expeditious and more effective border control mechanism. It also limits/avoids repetition of clearing procedures. Looking at this good experience, establishing the single post border trade between Ethiopia and Eritrea will benefit the countries at least in terms of trade facilitation.

By the same token, the experts called on both governments to form a regional economic arrangement aimed at harmonizing their trade rules etc by providing specifics. Besides, they could opt bilateral preferential trade agreement (like the one Ethiopia has with Sudan).

As Ethiopia has signed and ratified the Africa Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) agreement which intends to create the largest free trade area consisting of the 54 African countries. When fully implemented, the agreement will give the chance for all African countries to trade freely with each other. Ethiopia, as a country ratifying the agreement, gets this benefit with the other African countries that have ratified the agreement. The same will be true for Eritrea when it ratifies the agreement.

It is true that apart from helping both countries to reach comprehensive trade and cooperation agreements in a view to consolidating and sustaining the peace deal, partners and friends as well as the international community are expected to redouble efforts in providing financial and technical supports to this regard than ever before.

In general, as a show of solidarity, Ethiopia and Eritrea have been playing a leading role in promoting peace and stability across the Horn of Africa since the last year. By the same token, they will soon come up with exemplary trade and cooperation accord taking into accounts the historical connection and the blood ties between the two countries.

 The Ethiopian Herald, July 2/2019

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