No room for illegal means of seizing power

Ethiopia has been applying federal system of government for more than two decades following the promulgation of the 1995 Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia (FDRE).

Accordingly, the diverse nations, nationalities and peoples of the country have been electing their representatives despite controversial elections. They have also been able to develop their languages and cultural values. Above all they have managed to administer their own affairs.

Various sources indicate that one of the benefits of federal system of government is to prevent the monopoly of political power under the control of a central government thereby to avoid the possibility of witnessing an autocratic totalitarian rule. The existence of such totalitarian rule would not serve the very interests of the people of Ethiopia who are of diverse ethnic and religious background.

Furthermore, effective federal system is likely to prevent the possible attempt of some political groups or individuals that intend to seize political power with force. However, various people have been complaining about the importance of establishing a federal system in Ethiopia supposing that it would induce intention of disintegration or weaker central government in the country.

So far the country has not faced any challenge to its unity and strength because of the federal system. The processes of building democratic system through the series of elections carried out in the past decades, among others have effectively instilled in the minds of the public the values of democratic means to seize power.

Yet the recent coup attempt in Amhara state has ended up only as a witness to the capability of the constitutional and federal system of the country to fend off any force who strives to use force as a means to seize power as well as the futility of any effort to breach the constitutional provisions and seize political power through illegal means.

First of all the attempt has not even managed to topple the state government. Second, the federal government has effectively intervened to ensure the respect of rule of law while all state governments have shown their firm stand to reject any group that affronts the constitutional system which has guaranteed their sovereignty.

While residents of the regional capital have succeeded in safeguarding the constitutional system, it is also obvious that the only opition to make any change or improvement on the system is through peaceful dialogue and struggle.

The government has also launched a process of reform in the country to accommodate the thought and interests of those who wish to peacefully entertain their intents and contribute to the improvement of the system for the good of the entire nation.

Accordingly, it has widened the political landscape of the country to allow all those political institutions that were exiled to wage armed struggle. Fortunately , almost all the political parties that were striving to wage armed struggle have laid arms and committed themselves for peaceful political struggle by accepting the latter as the most effective and modern way of pursuing politics.

Hence, the thwarting of the recent coup attempt can be taken as a blessing in disguise as it has witnessed the correct decision of the public to recognize only those legally elected political entities and the political parties that chose peaceful struggle. Furthermore, it serves as an assurance to the people of the country as well as the region that the country would have no room for those who intend to seize power illegally and plunge the country into turmoil.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 29/2019


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