Illustrious journalist’s birthday …

The distinguished journalist and the first Ethiopian Editor-in-chief of The Ethiopian Herald, Yacob Woldemariam’saudio documentary,which couldmake his autobiography the center of attention, is going to be introduced on his ninetiethbirthday today.

The documentary will be on sale shortly.

So disclosed the producer of Tewodaj Media and Communication.

The audio documentary takes account of Yacob Woldemariama’s interview as well as comments made by his former colleagues and alter egos. Furthermore, the journalist is most known for producing quite a lot of write-ups and other related aspects in English for more than fifty six years. A lot of fans are expected to be attending the event.

Yacob Woldemariam turned out to be the Editor-in-Chief of The Ethiopian Herald in 1959.

At that point in time, as The Ethiopian Herald was run by Dr. David Talbot, Amidemicheal Desalegne,the then Minister of Information, was constantly proposing that The Ethiopian Herald has to be run by Yacob Woldemariam as an editor in chief. However, in due course, the prominent journalist took over the position and embarked on harvesting the fruit of success at the stroke of a pen.

To this point, Tewodaj Media and Communication has produced the biography of more than twenty famous Ethiopians who had contributed their own shares for their motherland. Prime Minster Aklilu Habtework,Lij Endelkachew Mekonnen and Professor Richard Pankhurst is just to mention but a few.

The Ethiopian Herald June 23/2019


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