Members of security personnel reaffirm commitment to protect national interest

“I’m proud to wear my police uniform. It makes me reaffirm my resolve in placing the public’s interests ahead of mine as all members always do,” says Sgt. Asfaw Assefa in an interview with The Ethiopian Herald.

In the past couple of days, Ethiopians have passed through a tense situation following Saturday’s coup attempt which resulted in claiming the lives of top civilian and military leaders in Amhara state and at a federal level. Following the failed attempt, citizens have been calling on the government to ensure the supremacy of law in the country.

Security personnel like Asfaw whom The Ethiopian Herald approached have reaffirmed their commitment to discharge their constitutional mandate of ensuring law and order in the country.

“We, as a nation, are involving in peacekeeping as well as community development issues. In my ten years of career as a security person, I have experienced so many hard times. I have witnessed my partners sacrificing their lives for the interest of the public,” Sgt. Asfaw says adding “That is why I am proud to wearing the police uniform and serve the Federal Police.”

The recent coup attempt and assassinations should not be seen as a minor crime. It is against the code of conduct and discipline of the army, Asfaw says. It has been reported that individuals who are wearing a military uniform have been involved in murder, theft, and recently, in a coup attempt. “These individuals stand for their selfish interests and do not represent the majority of the Security Forces who are committed to protecting the peace and security of the public.”

He also affirms that the Security Forces are still serving the public on the principles of impartiality. Deputy Inspector Ashenafi Zenebe on his part adds the recent attempt and assassination was committed by unethical and undisciplined individuals.

“I know most of our members are working under pressure to protect the interests of the nation. We are striving to keep and enhance national security. I remember, in the past, a large number of Federal Police and other members of the Security donated their salaries to the construction of the Grand Ethiopian Renaissance Dam. This patriotic feeling is still fresh.”

The Security Forces are a collection of different individuals and there might be few deviant behaviors. But all Security Forces must and will remain loyal and ethical to the interests of the people and the nation, he says.

Members of the security forces give priority to the national interest than any political group, Deputy Sgt. Medeset Mulu says. “The duty of security personnel is to sacrifice for peace and security of the nation.”

Ethiopian security forces have been well trained and embraced high-standard of moral and ethics, she added. Medeset also stresses on the fact that maintaining peace and order should not be left to the security forces alone as the society have also a key role to play.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 28/2019


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