Minister, army top brass reaffirm commitment to achieve martyr’s vision

One of the top priorities of Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed’s reform is restructuring defense force to give it a modern shape, equipping it with the required knowledge and technique, not to mention patriotism, unity and ethics.

To achieve this, the premier assigned late Chief of Staff General Seare Mekonnen who had been making huge contributions to the reputable defense force to his last breath.

Many thought the aftermath of the current tense situation, resulted from the death of the two senior army officials, would be chaotic-assuming that the situation would put the army on the lines of ethnic division.

However, Defense Minister, Army leaders, members of the army and families of the patriots vowed that the leaders’ visions would not be forgotten even for a moment, whatever challenges may be faced.

Defense Force Minister, Lemma Magarsa, in a televised condolence message said that every segment of the reform would continue, and the sadistic event will further solidify their resolve.

The patriots were working round the clock for the wellbeing of their country, Lemma noted, adding, “Therefore, I am confident that all the defense force structures remains intact.”

The Ethiopian Defense Force has been through various critical challenges and has made great historical deeds in its history. “Though what has happened on our great military leaders is very saddening and heart breaking, the army is well prepared to face challenges and carry on its missions,” Lemma explained.

Similarly, Gen. Berhanu Jula, Deputy Chief of Staff said, on the televised farewell ceremony bade to the deceased officials, that the military reform started by the fallen heroes would never be disrupted.

“We the defense force members have no ethnicity, we know nothing except our country Ethiopia, as Seare said,” Gen. Berhanu said, continuing, “Nothing and no power can divide the army as its slogan is to put Ethiopia and its people ahead of our personal interests.” That was what all the generals of the different commands of the army reiterated.

In the same way, Chief of Northern Command Gen. Getachew Gudina said that no one could stand against the reform that is being implemented and begun by our seasoned leaders. “We work day and night for the success of their visions.”

Gen. Asrat Denero Chief of Western Command said: “Despite the deep sorrow, we will never be backpedaled by heinous act.” Likewise, General Zewdu Belay, Chief of Eastern Command also said: “The tasks of restructuring and equipping the army with the modern military science and skills will never be stopped even for seconds.”

By the same token, General Muzay Mekonnen Chief Commander of Southern Command also said that “the act rather than dividing us, it will unite and make us stronger than ever.”

He emphasized that the legacy of those sacrificed military heroes will be realized by protecting the country from such disgraceful.

Just as the military leaders said, the sons of the lost military heroes Measho Seare and Kibrom Gezae confirmed that they will live up to the dreams of their loved ones, working with utmost determination to ensure unity among Ethiopians.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 28/2019


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