Profile of Major General Gezae Abera

 . The late hero General Gezae Abera was a father of five children- four sons and a daughter, from his heroine wife Abeba Zemichael.

• Born in 1951 from his father Kegnazamach Abera Desta and his mother Mulu Abrha in Tigray State, Zonebe Axum Town.

• Attended his primary and secondary education in Axum at Abrha WeAtsbeha and Axum Secondary schools respectively.

• Leaving his secondary school in 1977, he joined Tigray People Liberation Front during the armed struggle against the Dergue Regime.

• Served as a commander sergeant in Front’s 30th Unit (1977 to 1978).

• Headed front’s economic department(1978 to 1979)

 • Served as army gear and equipment head (1980-1983).

• Served as military logistics head in Western Tigray State (1983 -1985)

• Played key role in shaping Front’s Military strategy and structure (1985 -1988 )

• Took part in the military struggles carried out to over throw the Dergue Regime (1988-1989)

• Proved his highest military skills in various warfronts and administrative posts

• Received his degree in logistics management in United States of America and second degree from London Open University in Business Administration. He has also received his Masters degree from Anfilled University in Logistics Management.

• On June 22, 2019, shot dead at the age of 58, while he was visiting his comrade Army Chief General Seare Mekonnen, he too slain on Saturday’s coup attempt.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 26/2019

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