Ethiopians bid adieu to fallen generals

Sunday June the 23rd dawned with a sad news for most Ethiopians. The death of Army Chief of Staff General Seare Mekonnen, Amhara State President Dr. Ambachew Mekonennen, Major General Gezae Abera (Ret.), Advisor to the President Ezez Wasse and Attorney General of Amhara State Megbaru Kebede, in attempted coup, was unexpected news that has broken the heart of most Ethiopians. And Ethiopians from all walks of the life had been grieving since.

Yesterday, in an official national farewell ceremony held for the slain generals, the bodies of General Seare Mekonnen and Major General Gezae Abera was escorted to Bole Millennium Hall accompanied by a military parade, senior government and military officials and residents of Addis Ababa. The event was also attended by Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed, President Sahelework Zewde, family members and friends of the deceased.

Along the way, many people used the opportunity to bid farewell to their heroes. In addition to those who attended the farewell program at the Millennium Hall, those people who were attentively following it through TV and FM radios were crying or sobbing. Almost every Ethiopian was expressing his/her feeling in different forms.

This is not without reason. The tragic death of higher government officials was unexpected. Their commitment towards their job and their willingness to build a strong nation is witnessed at various times. Until they met their unfortunate fate, these government officials were busy working to build a new and strong Ethiopia. Despite their responsibility to their families, they never failed to put Ethiopia first. No matter how tight their schedules were, they have never failed to give their time and life to the new Ethiopia.

Unfortunately, while they were busy protecting the peace and security of the nation and busy writing a new history through the ink of love and forgiveness, they were martyred.

Ethiopia has lost its beloved and courageous heroes, said Deputy Chief of Staff Major General Berhanu Jula while delivering their eulogy to the congregated people. Of Army Chief Seare Mekonnen, Birhanu said that he was a great hero, and had been a role model in shaping the country’s national defense by developing viable strategies.

According him, the late General was a vibrant hero who served his country in all forms. He further noted that, this is the moment the country should stand in harmony and unity. After the farewell ceremony was concluded, the bodies were flown to Mekelle, their final resting place.

Upon arrival at Mekelle Airport yesterday afternoon, Tigray State Deputy Head Debretsion Gebremariam, senior State officials, religious fathers, and residents of Mekelle and surroundings areas welcomed the bodies, and a vigil program was held in their memory at the Martyrs monument.

The bodies of General Seare Mekonnen, and Major General Gezae Abera will be laid to rest today at St. Gabriel Church, Mekelle while the bodies of Dr. Ambachew Mekonennen, Ezez Wasse, Megbaru Kebede will be laid to rest at St. Gabriel church in Bahir Dar.

The death of those precious sons might have broken the heart of Ethiopians. But, as it was visible on the funeral procession, it did not break the strong bondage among us. Despite our religious, ethnic, cultural or political difference, we, Ethiopians, will not be crippled to the deeds of those anti peace elements. We join our hands to build a strong nation with love and commitment. We have shown this unity even in times of such big losses.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 26/2019


Photo: Dagne Abera

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