State restores peace and order

BAHIR DAR – The tension prevailed over the atmosphere of the Amhara State following a coup attempt has been resettled.

Assemahign Asres, the Amhara State Communications Director told The Amharic Daily Addis Zemen on Tuesday that there has been a state of tension in the region following the failed coup attempt on 22 June 2019 but now peace and order have been resorted with the joint effort of the federal and state governments, he said. On the course of the coup, three senior officials including the State Chief have been shot dead while they were in duty at their office.

Following such a tragic incident, there has been a state of tension and bewilderment among the people in the region. Nonetheless, under various efforts made to avert the situation, it was possible to calm down the turmoil and put life to the clock back, Assemahagn explained.

As to him, suspects of the plot and conspiracy are being controlled. Accordingly, Colonel Alebel Amare, Security Deputy Head, Brigadier General Tefera Mamo, Special Force Head, and Colonel Melaku, Militia Office Head of the Amhara State are under the custody of police in relation to the coup.

On the other hand, the mastermind of the coup Brigadier General Assaminew Tsigie was shot dead as he refused to peacefully surrender on June 24 2019, Assemahagn added.

He further said that on the course to avert the coup there are more casualties. Lots of security officers lost their lives and wounded. Currently the state along with the federal government is consolidating its effort to control the remaining suspects.

“The deed was vicious and a hurtle decision aroused from irrationality, there was no adequate reason to undergo a coup. The person who led the coup is the one who recently freed from prison with legal amnesty and he was appointed as head of the Peace and Security Bureau as he was believed to work together and achieve shared goals to safeguard the interest of the Amhara,” Assemahagn said.

As the Director’s explanation, had Assaminew surrendered peacefully, he would have been caught alive. However he lost his life in the fire exchange with the special forces of the state. But still there are attempts to disseminate dishonest information among the public. Thus the public should be on the alert so that they are not deceived by fabricated stories.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 27/2019


Photo:- File

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