General Seare’s indispensable role in building proficient army

ADDIS ABABA – The late Chief of Staff General Seare Mekonnen has made huge contributions to the establishment of a committed and disciplined army which is capable of carrying out missions successfully, members of the Ethiopian Defense Force told The Ethiopian Herald.

A grand farewell event was held on Tuesday at the Millennium Hall where high-level government officials including Prime Minister Dr. Abiy Ahmed and President Sahle-Work Zwede were in attendance to pay tribute to General Seare Mekonnen and Major General Gezai Abera(Ret.). Both lost their lives by a gunshot from the ex-Chief of Staff’s security guard.

Approached by The Ethiopian Herald, the soldiers stated that General Seare has tirelessly worked for the establishment of a well-trained, ethical and able army which is repeatedly invited by the international community to contribute peacekeeping forces under the umbrella of the United Nations and African Union.

Defense College Human Resources Team Leader, Lieutenant Colonel Leteberhan Desta said that General Seare was a leader who strongly believed in the importance of giving sufficient training for the army before deployment to successfully accomplish missions with strong commitment and discipline.

Recalling the military missions General Seare led during the struggle to oust the Military Junta Derg and the Ethio-Eritrean War, Colonel Leteberhan pointed out that the General was instrumental in transforming and modernizing Ethiopia’s army and enabling it to effectively ensure peace and stability in the country and East Africa.

Major Feleke Mengeste from Defense Information Head Department said that General Seare was a prominent military strategist who carried out successful operations in liberating Tigray and parts of the then Wollo and Shewa provinces from Derg Army.

The late Seare played key role in notable operations including Agazi Operation that freed 1,300 TPLF combatants from Mekelle Prison in 1986 and commanded major battles such as the Battle of Guna in the then Gondar Province and the battle that liberated Dessie from the Derg’s strong 3rd Division.

“General Seare was an inspirational figure for the army under his command and he was even fought alongside low-ranking soldiers while he commanded Bure Front during the Ethio-Eritrea War.”

Captain Manaye Betew from Dejen Aviation Academy recalled his close working relations with General Seare while the latter led the Northern Command and served as the command’s chief operator.

General Seare had strong belief in Ethiopia’s unity and strived for the improvement of the livelihoods of members of the army whilst keeping fatherly relations with soldiers and officers alike.

According to Capitan Manye, General Seare was a profound war engineer and had proven practical and theoretical military skills that enabled the Ethiopian Army to obtain major victories with lowest cost. The late Seare was committed to curtail the security threat both local and foreign anti- peace elements could pose.

Another soldier, Lieutenant Colonel Gebremedhin Geberemeskel said on his part that the late Chief of Staff strongly supported the ongoing broad-based reforms that aim to solve the socio-economic and democratic challenges the people of Ethiopia have been facing.

“Due to the meticulous leadership of General Seare and his colleagues, extensive training its members received and their initiative, discipline and capability to withstand challenges, the Ethiopian Defense Force has accomplished significant military success stories,” he remarked.

Expressing grief in the killing of the prominent army chief by his security guard, all members of the Ethiopian Defense Force expressed conviction that the heinous crime will serve as an inspiration for the army to renew its commitment to protect the people of Ethiopia.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 27/2019


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