Statement of condolences by PM Abiy Ahmed on heinous killings of the senior leaders

Honorable, the peoples of Ethiopia

First of all, on behalf of myself and the government of FDRE, I would like to express my deepest and heartfelt grief on the heinous and fascistic killings of senior military and civil leaders in Addis Ababa and Bahar Dar, I wish their souls to rest in peace in the kingdom of heaven, console to their families and friends, and strength to companions and colleagues in the struggle.

We have enough reasons that bleed our hearts when we think about the heartbreaking attacks and killings on our comrades and the challenge facing our country at this time of reform, based on the principles of Medemer [synergism], which is already matured to one year of age.

The martyrs were as solid as rock and as strong as diamond shouldering enormous responsibilities of serving the public. They had a big resolve to unbend their necks until their noble objective is met and they were Ethiopia’s dearest sons in need who demonstrated this in practice.

Above all, what is heartbreaking is that these people had understood the change, its value to the national agenda and had the potent to usher us all in the path of their vision. The incident though was unexpected and it bleeds our hearts, we had already understood as taking the populace in the direction of peace and democracy needs huge sacrifices.

The struggle is against those who are far from humanity; never dreamt of anything other than power, have no wisdom apart from killing, consider force as an only solution, and those who cannot see beyond other than their gains. We and our enemies both know this.

There are people here and there who consider cynic activities as wisdom to degrade the greatness of the country, disgrace its proud people, put a rein to our forward journey and set barricades on our track. The general public benefits from democracy, but they lose; people gain from civility but they bankrupt; multi-nationality prospers the nation but it deprives them. Love and forgiveness heels Ethiopia, but ails them. These are the distinct features of our enemies.

What they lack are a brave heart that aspires to work for their people and country, humanity, far-sighted mind and wise heart. Their patriotism is to gossip and hearsay; their heroism is to intrigue and trivial matters. Their bravery is brutality. Their solution is not sought from their thoughts but from the magazines on their waists, and from the barrel of gun on their hands not from the wisdom in their hearts.

When they could not defeat idea, they choose to kill people. When they lack sense of thinking, they chose to kill peoples. When they fail to acquire wisdom,they prefer to destroy wise people. When the country is marching towards integration and togetherness, they have opted for standing against it. They have also chosen destructive actions that are so detested by almighty God and humanity alike.

It is clear that they have three ill intents. Firstly, stopping the sweeping reforms by killing some reformists. Secondly, creating mistrust among the peoples of Ethiopia. Thirdly, demoralizing and disrespecting the country’s security personnel to create ethnic division and put the nation at great risk. But, God never let evil doers hurt Ethiopia!

It is so painful to lose our heroes in such senseless incident. Ethiopia has paid a lot to create these heroes. But our country has lost her dearest sons, killed by Ethiopians themselves. This evil act has miserably failed from the very beginning due to the diligent and vigilant Ethiopians. As the people of Ethiopia never negotiate over their sovereignty and fellow citizens’ destiny, they have foiled the plot that was intended to create nationwide chaos.

I am indebted to thank the whole states of the country and the national defense forces as well as the security personnel who have stood firm and demonstrated unparalleled resolve to get the country out of the clear danger.

Honorable peoples of our nation

It is understandable that any country, apart from hope and optimism, passes through a number of despondent and problematic situations. We have learnt this from history and past experiences. Even if those nefarious give deaf ears to every word they are told, though they do not deserve amnesty and excuses, they have to understand one perpetual truth. The reason Ethiopia has reached to its current historic chapter is not because its steps were stuffed with bed of roses and filled with peaceful and undisturbed incidents. Rather, it is for the reason that it can get rid of all the stumbling blocks, beat the darkest moments and prevail the ups and downs valiantly and audaciously.

Through its time, it has never accepted and kneeled down for any of the attempts its enemies have been plotting to pullback its paces, hamper its progress and abase its glory. Moving up time and again and returning to its former glory and honor, it has reached where it is now. The heritages that our forefathers and mothers have left us behind tell us this very fact.

Ethiopia is not a country which is destructed easily, torn apart simply, disintegrate or collapse plainly. We have heard that our respectful citizens repetitively requested the government to enforce rule of law throughout the country. When we are saying that killing is a sign of defeat, it was to mean that political and ideological differences are sought from cross fertilization of ideas, not from a barrel of a gun. Because we strongly believe that killing is an entire defeat. It is not because we failed to arrange our weapons to behave in a way that involves attacking but; because the most valiance is that love, forgiveness, reconciliation and peace.

We believe that nobody can talk about or understand the ill effects of war better than we, Ethiopians. No one can testify where war can get us to, except us. We believe that walking on the same way gets us nowhere. We prefer and decide to follow a different path that is free from killing and dying, from imprisoning and chasing. We widen the platform to make it all-encompassing an inclusive.

The doors of our prisons opened and many prisoners breathe air of freedom; thousands came back home using the bridge we built between the Diaspora community and their homeland; armed political groups returned back to the country and entered the arena of peaceful political competition.

When we move out of our way to allow some to stand and work with us, it is because we believe that giving birth to democracy cannot be done alone. Giving birth and nurturing it with patience and care needs huge wisdom. Doing brutish and evil things is easy for the one doing it; but it is painful for the one on the receiving end. [On the contrary], being patient, tolerant and forbearing is harder to do.

[Nevertheless], we chose the second path. Our [choice to select the path of] patience and forbearance has not only brought huge criticism, but also has put pressure on us. New path brings new challenge. But, as irrational power-mongers do not understand this, they unleashed their arrogant sword and took the precious lives of our jewels.

Our reform path aim is to make Ethiopia a new horizon of hope, and jewel of Africa; it is not to unleash sorrow on Ethiopia. As long as it helps the country to transition to a better place, there are ideas that we can accept even if we don’t like it. But we will not tolerate anything that may harm the country’s unity, sovereignty or national interest. Nothing comes before Ethiopia, or stands ahead of our people. We will demonstrate tranquility in the name of democracy and peace, and we will incline on tough choices for the sake of our country and people.

Continuing to cry/mourn will not allow us achieve our fallen friends’ vision; and if we lose hope, we will not be able to raise their flag of our colleagues. Why did it happen? What was our failing? What should have we done? We will assess them thoroughly. We learn from the challenges we are facing with, and we will shut down illegal doors once and for all. We will not be deterred from our path even for a second. We will not be made to lose sight of our objective. We will not change our path.

Finally, I would like to relay my sincere thanks on behalf of the FDRE government to our allies who have stood by us in this time of tense situation. And I extend condolences to the entire people of Ethiopia, our army, and family members and friends of the deceased.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 27/2019


Photo:- File

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