Senior military, government officials laid to rest

BAHIR DAR, MEKELLE – Senior military and government leaders who were shot dead in an organized failed coup attempt in Bahir Dar and the capital Addis Ababa were laid to rest yesterday.

The plotters of the coup tried to topple the Administration of the Amhara State, according to the Federal Police. Saturday’s assassination in Bahir Dar was associated with the coup attempt orchestrated by the Amhara State Peace and Security Bureau Head Brigadier General Assaminew Tsigie; while the assassination of General Seare Mekonnen, Commander-in -Chief of the Ethiopian Defense Force and the retired Major General Gezai

Abera had the purpose of bringing to a standstill the intervention of the federal government against the coup. However, it was aborted within an hour. Yesterday, General Seare and his former colleague Major General Gezae were laid to rest at Mekelle’s Saint Gabriel Church with the presence of family members, Tigray state Deputy Head, spiritual leaders, abba gedas, members of the Ethiopian Defense Force, senior federal and state government officials and the general public.

In his message to the Ethiopian people, Tigray State Deputy President Dr. Debretsion Gebremichael said on these hard times, Ethiopians must rally in new face on the fight against extreme chauvinists and anti-peace elements that aspire to hold onto power by intimidating the public, attacking government institutions and eliminating top leaders.

The recent insanely act that kills the Military Chief, Amhara State President, senior military and civilian officials is a clear message that Ethiopians, irrespective of their differences, must wake up to advance their political struggle that centered on national interest. They should also say enough to the total madness happening across the country.

The public in Tigray State is calling on all Ethiopians, federalist forces, and Ethiopian National Defense Forces to condemn the attack. The plotters should also face the necessary legal punishments. In Bahir Dar, Amhara state Chief, Dr. Ambachew Mekonen and his colleagues Ezeze Wase, and Megebaru Kebede who lost their lives in Saturday’s attack were also laid to rest at Bahir Dar’s Saint Gabriel Church.

Prior, family members of the deceased, top government and military officials, foreign dignitaries, and the general public attended a grand farewell ceremony held at Bahir Dar’s International Stadium.

On the occasion, Deputy Prime Minister and Chairperson of the Amhara Democratic Party, Demeke Mekonnen said that the martyrs dedicated their entire lives for public services. They have also significantly contributed to the ongoing reform which is set to ensure freedom and equality for the people of the country.

“It is difficult to believe such heartbreaking news on our reformist leaders. This is tragic,” he added. “Death is a natural phenomenon, but to lose the leaders in such a brutal incident is heartbreaking.”

The action taken by the plotters of the failed coup is against Ethiopians’ history and moral value, the Deputy Premier added. The incident was perpetrated to reinstate the previous political situation that Ethiopians have brought to end. Hence, all Ethiopians should condemn it and stand with the government to halt this kind of intentions.

He also assured that ensuring sustainable development and rule of law are at the top of the reform agenda.

The Ethiopian Herald, June 27/2019


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