Business leaders launch new campaign to promote Ethiopia

ADDIS ABABA- Key business leaders and anchor investors from the manufacturing, agriculture, service sectors and government have come together by the Coca-Cola led cam­paign, Going Big in Ethiopia, to pro­mote Ethiopia as a prime investment and development hub.

During the launch of the campaign Thursday evening, President of the Southern and East Africa Business Unit of the Coca-Cola Company Bru­no Pietracci speaks on behalf of the participating business leaders that since growth has been heavily depen­dent on private sector investment, in­vestors have to take advantage of the comprehensive investment climate reforms being spearheaded by the in­cumbent.

Pietracci also said his company be­lieves in Ethiopia’s growth story and transformation agenda of becoming one of Africa’s top manufacturing hubs.

“We are witnessing rapid econom­ic growth in sub Saharan Africa and believe that sustainable development on the continent is inevitable. Ethio­pia’s growth story is unique; it’s the diplomatic capital of Africa as the seat of the African Union and the United nations Economic Commission, en­abling access to the rest of the con­tinent and cementing the country’s commitment to achieving inclusive growth and shared prosperity for its citizens and the region,” Pietracci said.

Abebe Abebayehu, Commissioner of the Ethiopian Investment Com­mission, said that the government’s transformative administration to move the country from a state-led to a market-led economy has further en­couraged investment from the private sector.

Ethiopia is now on top of the fastest growing economies in the world, the Commissioner noted. With the strong economic performance, infrastructur­al developments and on-going market liberalization, Ethiopia is treading on the right path to becoming Africa’s leading investment hub, he added.

Abebe also said increased foreign direct investment and participation of the private sector confirm sustained growth can only be achieved through concerted efforts. He emphasized the government seeks to promote incen­tives that will be able to assist the en­try of foreign investors in infrastruc­ture and manufacturing sectors.

The Coca-Cola Company, Ethiopi­an Investment Commission, Tourism Ethiopia, Ethiopian Airlines, Moenco Africa, Moyee Coffee, H&M Ethio­pia, and renowned Olympic champion and businessman Haile Gebre-selass­ie are amongst the business leaders and stakeholders participated in the campaign

The Ethiopian Herald June 22/2019


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